
All game records in the tournament

2021-06-20 11:26kouohsyo● - ○harutomokoKifuGame
2021-06-20 11:18Abebe● - ○applehamuKifuGame
2021-06-20 10:36Abebe● - ○kakuzanKifuGame
2021-06-13 11:14kakuzan○ - ●applehamuKifuGame
2021-06-13 11:07harutomoko● - ○bananahamuKifuGame
2021-06-13 10:47harutomoko● - ○applehamuKifuGame
2021-06-13 10:24kakuzan○ - ●bananahamuKifuGame
2021-06-13 10:23applehamu● - ○TOKI2010KifuGame
2021-06-13 09:58applehamu○ - ●mamoru60KifuGame
2021-06-13 09:57bananahamu● - ○TOKI2010KifuGame
2021-06-12 19:54Antares_yu○ - ●AbebeKifuGame
2021-06-11 19:51applehamu● - ○KEI21KifuGame
2021-06-11 19:22KEI21● - ○bananahamuKifuGame
2021-06-09 18:45Antares_yu● - ○applehamuKifuGame
2021-06-06 10:18wagahaihashironeko● - ○akira_nKifuGame
2021-06-06 09:55kakuzan○ - ●wagahaihashironekoKifuGame
2021-06-06 09:53TOKI2010● - ○akira_nKifuGame
2021-06-06 09:40kouohsyo● - ○TOKI2010KifuGame
2021-06-05 20:42harutomoko● - ○KEI21KifuGame
2021-06-05 20:26harutomoko● - ○kakuzanKifuGame
2021-06-05 20:22KEI21● - ○TOKI2010KifuGame
2021-06-05 20:17mamoru60● - ○Antares_yuKifuGame
2021-06-05 19:16Antares_yu○ - ●akira_nKifuGame
2021-06-05 19:00mamoru60○ - ●AbebeKifuGame
2021-06-05 19:00koutarou1○ - ●KEI21KifuGame
2021-06-04 20:55kouohsyo● - ○koutarou1KifuGame
2021-06-04 20:14bananahamu○ - ●KANTA321KifuGame
2021-06-04 19:39KANTA321● - ○kouohsyoKifuGame
2021-06-04 19:19mamoru60○ - ●bananahamuKifuGame

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at https://81dojo.com.