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1st Tropical league With handicap NR0-30

Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: kumamon24 (1462) ☗1☗1☗5
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: Japan
Tournament period: 2021-07-12 15:00 ~ 2021-08-31 00:00 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Rated (0 min + 30 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 kaede0612 (2101) 01 win 5 miles point+2
2 morinagatanishi (2094) 01 win 5 miles point+3
3 tebasaki (1969) 31 win 5 miles point+3
4 Pjadgt (2009) 91 win 5 miles point+2
5 kabuto_k (1728) 01 win 5 miles point+4
6 Kazu2527 (1800) 01 win 5 miles point+4
7 mura3264 (1565) -91 win 5 miles point+5
8 Yoshi0618 (1686) -21 win 6 miles point+6
9 tetoris123 (1655) 101 win 5 miles point+6
10 Ryosuke24 (1950) -31 win 6 miles point+6
11 hirohanaharu (1614) 01 win 6 miles point+6
12 takanori81 (1613) 01 win 6 miles point+6
13 shu_ki (1671) ---11 win 6 miles point+6
14 tomomon23 (1552) -01 win 6 miles point+6
15 kumamon24 (1462) 71 win 6 miles point+6
16 ayama12345 (1519) 111 win 6 miles 点数+7
17 umiwahiroi (1476) 01 win 6 miles 点数+7
18 ask_leo (1059) -01 win 10 miles point+10
19 WildHorseRunning (1015) 11 win 10 miles point+12

Recent gamesSee all

2021-08-24tetoris123 ● - ○ PjadgtKifuGame
2021-08-21mura3264 ● - ○ tetoris123KifuGame
2021-08-13ayama12345 ● - ○ PjadgtKifuGame
2021-08-09ayama12345 ○ - ● mura3264KifuGame
2021-08-09Yoshi0618 ● - ○ tetoris123KifuGame


・1位 700マイル
・2位 300マイル
・3位 100マイル
・級位者1位 200マイル
・級位者2位 100マイル
・10位 50マイル
・1勝につき 7段~5段3マイル 4段~2段5マイル 初段~3級6マイル 4級~6級7マイル 7級以下10マイル
ですが+で獲得できるのは1位 2位 3位 4位 5位 級位者1位 級位者2位 級位者3位 10位 15位 重なってたら1人につき6位…とします
・ Account suspension will result in a bye.
・ This is a 30-second shogi.
・ There is no participation fee.
・ Please note that the time to hand over the prize may be delayed.
・ The number of participants may be limited.
・ If you make a mistake, please chat and let me know.
(Because it's my first time)
・ If you are a participant and do something wrong, please report it.
・I have a handicap
 7th dan is 0 and 6th dan is 1 ... Details are written in the information.
Prize money
・ 1st place 700 miles
・ 2nd place 300 miles
・ 3rd place 100 miles
・ Rank person 1st place 200 miles
・ Rank person 2nd place 100 miles
・ 10th place 50 miles
・ 7th to 5th dan 3 miles per win 4th to 2nd dan 5 miles 1st to 3rd grade 7 miles 3rd to 6th grade 9 miles 7th grade and below 10 miles
But the + will get you 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 1st kyu, 2nd kyu, 3rd, 10th, 15th, 6th per person if there's an overlap...
・ No. 1 in the number of games 200 miles

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at