8th team CosmOu League 1 set R1950 and up

All game records in the tournament

2021-09-15 12:01heaven58○ - ●19941023KifuGame
2021-09-13 11:56TAMAGON113● - ○heaven58KifuGame
2021-09-10 11:12heaven58○ - ●snowy0503KifuGame
2021-09-10 08:36720aoi● - ○Nontan0826KifuGame
2021-09-09 10:18Nontan0826○ - ●Kaerukun11221566KifuGame
2021-09-09 06:19Nontan0826○ - ●makoharu33rKifuGame
2021-09-07 02:30Nontan0826○ - ●rebornIKifuGame

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