第30回 5サークル限定研究会

All game records in the tournament

2021-08-28 11:19byuta○ - ●Endai_habataKifuGame
2021-08-27 21:09Kaerukun11221566○ - ●Endai_habataKifuGame
2021-08-27 20:57hisa2960tubeno16● - ○youyoutanManKifuGame
2021-08-27 14:00tomokioo● - ○byutaKifuGame
2021-08-27 13:41poppcorn81○ - ●byutaKifuGame
2021-08-27 13:18poppcorn81○ - ●tomokiooKifuGame
2021-08-27 11:45tomokioo● - ○Endai_habataKifuGame
2021-08-26 19:21tomokioo● - ○kinako_omochiKifuGame
2021-08-26 17:57poppcorn81○ - ●shumai2KifuGame
2021-08-26 15:39poppcorn81● - ○Endai_habataKifuGame

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at https://81dojo.com.