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12th term 81Ou League-C 15min+60sec Rated/ No capacity limit (75 days)

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Tournament Info

81Dojo Official Tournament
Tournament organizer: raidensiratsuyu (1964) ☗19☗4☗4
Co-organizer: Hidetchi (1891) ☗10☗5☗10
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: UTC
Tournament period: 2021-10-01 00:00 ~ 2021-12-14 14:30 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Rated (15 min + 60 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 koyori (1872) -127昇級 (次期出場辞退のご連絡あり)
2 makoharu33r (2115) 114昇級⇒B-21
3 iongrey (2217) 109昇級⇒B-22
4 tsunami123 (1350) -----103昇級⇒B-23
5 fraise_blanche (2261) 95昇級⇒B-24
6 yoyoto (1910) 92昇級⇒B-25
7 mikiayuka (2034) --91昇級⇒B-26
8 cliffvine (2210) --90昇級⇒B-27
9 atyaatya (2099) -84昇級⇒B-28
10 MoonSae (1641) 84昇級⇒B-29
11 dai1966 (1814) 83昇級⇒B-30
12 noba29 (1587) 83昇級⇒B-31
13 tebasaki (1969) 77お願いします。
14 51nagi3 (1873) 77
15 lighttodie (2128) 76TWN
16 kendokoro2 (2163) 75宜しくお願いします。
17 81shogina (2224) 75
18 Miku0505 (2216) -72
19 kousuke110 (2089) 72初参加です!がんばります!
20 Yoshi0618 (1686) --72初参加ですが、よろしくお願いします。
21 TO1208 (1917) 72よろしくお願いします。
22 siya1228 (1814) 71よろしくお願いします!
23 zooy (1500) -71主に土曜日/日曜日の参加かと思います。
24 takumayy88 (1799) 69お願い致します
25 kponsuke76 (1949) --69宜しくお願いします。
26 byuta (2360) 68B級になれるように頑張ります。よろしくお願いします!
27 koshon (2017) --68よろしくお願い致します。
28 yukun2 (2108) -66
29 KAMATI (1161) 66
30 GooglePerson (2031) -65大会はあまり出たことがなく不慣れな部分が多いですが…何卒よろしくお願いします!
31 karalis (1757) -65
32 tominfan (1438) -65お願いします
33 yumerin (1513) -65
34 taka0924 (1518) 64よろしく
35 masao_takagi (1173) 64よろしくお願いします
36 kjrt (2741) 0【途中辞退】2021-11-07
37 onohiro (1931) 1【対戦に積極性を欠くため失格】2021-11-05
38 tomokioo (1606) 2【対戦に積極性を欠くため失格】2021-11-05
39 Greed_Island (1250) 2【対戦に積極性を欠くため失格】2021-11-05
40 SoutaL11 (1133) 2【対戦に積極性を欠くため失格】2021-11-05
41 hirouma23 (1930) 1【対戦に積極性を欠くため失格】2021-11-05
42 YUICHI_1 (1601) 1【対戦に積極性を欠くため失格】2021-11-05
43 katsu1968 (1534) 1【対戦に積極性を欠くため失格】2021-11-05
44 ssk_ken (1375) 1【対戦に積極性を欠くため失格】2021-11-05
45 0526mymy (672) 1【対戦に積極性を欠くため失格】2021-11-05
46 ssk_toya (700) 1【対戦に積極性を欠くため失格】2021-11-05
47 19941023 (2206) 0【対戦に積極性を欠くため失格】2021-11-05
48 Prajjwal (2074) 0【対戦に積極性を欠くため失格】2021-11-05
49 so16__shogi (2152) 0【対戦に積極性を欠くため失格】2021-11-05
50 Carbunculus (1813) 0【対戦に積極性を欠くため失格】2021-11-05
51 koiky (1595) 0【対戦に積極性を欠くため失格】2021-11-05
52 nekomachilychee (1586) 0【対戦に積極性を欠くため失格】2021-11-05
53 Karaage22 (1440) 0【対戦に積極性を欠くため失格】2021-11-05
54 Yokaze_ (2245) 1【アカ停により失格】2021-10-17 / TWN
55 taroumino (1469) 5【アカ停により失格】2021-10-17

Recent gamesSee all

2021-12-13fraise_blanche ● - ○ kendokoro2KifuGame
2021-12-13fraise_blanche ○ - ● takumayy88KifuGame
2021-12-12fraise_blanche ● - ○ kponsuke76KifuGame
2021-12-11masao_takagi ● - ○ iongreyKifuGame
2021-12-1051nagi3 ○ - ● makoharu33rKifuGame


昇級10名 ※大会後半に勝点順に変更します
不慣れな方はこちらをご覧くださいませ。 ⇩
81Dojo Official Tournament
81Ou [League-A,B,C] 15min+60sec Rated/ Round-robin
Rules and Commendation,
Please take a look at the lower part of description.
Post your questions or requests to the 81Ou League. ⇩
[How to contact on the Table]
☆:Messages from the participants of this tournament.
【ご注意】対戦日時提案は UTC となっております。
ご提案される際は「日本時間 -9時間」にてご記入を
「表示時間 +9時間 = 日本時間」です。
申し上げます。<(_ _)>(大会主催者より)
第12期 八一王 不戦勝、諸問題などの申請(10/1より使用)
★八一王 C級★ 「一念発起」
81Ou League-C (In short: 81Ou-C)
Be determined to achieve your goal.
・It starts from League-C, if you are participating for the first time.
・Those who had participated before but are not League-B or higher now.
第12期 八一王(81Ou) A級-81Ouリーグ- 15分+60秒 R (定員13名/75日)
八一王A級/ 81Ou-A
第12期 八一王(81Ou) B級リーグ 15分+60秒 R (定員30名/75日)
八一王B級/ 81Ou-B
第12期 八一王(81Ou) C級リーグ-B級トライアル- 15分+60秒 R (定員なし/75日)
八一王C級/ 81Ou-C
【八一王 歴代覇者】
A級:定員13名 降級5名
B級:定員30名 昇級5名・降級10名
C級:定員なし  昇級10名
<第12期 A級リーグ・B級リーグ 順位表>
【順位決定方法 -戴冠および昇降級-】
勝点:〇□ 3/ △ 2/ ●▲ 1/ ■◆ 0
A-2 500/ A-3 300/ A-4 200/ A-5 150/ A-6 125/ A-7 100/ A-8 75
[降級者] A-9 50/ A-10 40/ A-11 30/ A-12 20/ A-13 10 Dマイル
[昇級者] B-1 240/ B-2 180/ B-3 120/ B-4 60/ B-5 30 Dマイル
[昇級者] C-1 120/ C-2 90/ C-3 60/ C-4 30/ C-5 15 Dマイル
⇒ セル上での再三の提案を無視→不戦敗裁定→複数の方に同様拒否→失格裁定
[81dojo Official tournament/ Round-robin]
12th term 81Ou League-A 15min+60sec Rated/ Capacity 13 participants (75 days)
12th term 81Ou League-B 15min+60sec Rated/ Capacity 30 participants (75 days)
12th term 81Ou League-C 15min+60sec Rated/ No capacity limit (75 days)
[Capacity of League-A,B,C]
League-A: 13 participants/ Demotion 5 participants
League-B: 30 participants/ Promotion 5 participants, Demotion 10 participants
League-C: No participants limit/ Promotion 10 participants
※Trial match to League-B
[12th term 81Ou League-A and League-B Standings]
[Determine rank -Promotion and Demotion-]
①Ranked in order of total points.
Game points: 〇□ 3/ △ 2/ ●▲ 1/ ■◆ 0
②The person who performed well last time ranked higher, if the same points.
③League-A 1st place is the 81Ou and Prize 1500 D-miles.
④Automatically move up the order, if there is no application for a ranker.
⑤Restart from League-C, if there is no application for a ranker.
⑥Increase the number of League-A and League-B promotion next time, if the capacity is broken.
[About Win and Loss-by-default]
★Please report to the organizer.
-Automatically loss-
・More than 15 minutes late from the promised date and time.
・Don't come on the day you promise.
・Don't respond to the other person's suggestion.
・Break the promise after the decision update.
(Forced the decision update is prohibited.)
※Rules on manners are also included.
※If in the case of a lack of communication problems.
・League-A winner is the 81Ou +PRIZE 1500 D-miles.
・Give League-A the semi-title of "12 Generals of Excellent Warrior(十二神将)"
(12 Generals awarded to 12 people other than 81Ou.)
・A-2 500/ A-3 300/ A-4 200/ A-5 150/ A-6 125/ A-7 100/
A-8 75/ A-9 50/ A-10 40/ A-11 30/ A-12 20/ A-13 10 D-miles
・B-1 240/ B-2 180/ B-3 120/ B-4 60/ B-5 30 D-miles
・C-1 120/ C-2 90/ C-3 60/ C-4 30/ C-5 15 D-miles
【About ignoring a proposal】
・For three or more proposals at intervals of 3 days or more 
if there are no suggestions or comments.
⇒ Lose by default
★ Please contact the organizer.
・When there is a complaint from three or more people.
⇒ Disqualified [too many rejections of proposals]
【Please be careful】
・Those above "R2500" can not participate.
・Proof of your ability (to make a game) is required for those above "R2400".
・The host asks the administrator to investigate if the organizer thinks a data check is required.
・Those who use "Computer-engines(COM_)" are not allowed to participate. → Disqualified
・Can not participate with two or more accounts. → Disqualified
・Violate the rules and one's manners on 81dojo → Disqualified ※
※ Judged more strictly than other tournaments.
Thank you.

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at