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17th term Shooting Star NR 0-10

Shootingstar header

Tournament Info

81Dojo Official Tournament
Tournament organizer: kazzy_o (2664) ☗26☗2☗2
Co-organizer: Hidetchi (1891) ☗10☗5☗10
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: UTC
Tournament period: 2022-02-01 00:00 ~ 2022-02-28 12:00 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Non-rated (0 min + 10 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 Kosei_O (2310) -84優勝
2 ryuryushima427 (2333) 61準優勝
3 tomawslove (1569) 493位、級位者対局数1位
4 kazzy_o (2664) 39
5 mikiayuka (2023) -18
6 shumai2 (2090) 19
7 takumayy88 (1799) -9
8 ns01 (2009) -0
9 shisofurikake1 (2030) -14
10 katsu1968 (1425) -1
11 mura3264 (1650) -10
12 kasshy2 (1791) -7
13 Sui09 (2109) -15
14 TomyShot15 (2243) -47
15 wakamefurikake1 (1445) -6
16 gogotogo811 (2361) -12
17 star1 (2132) -0
18 dartsbull (1868) -0
19 superman46jp (1741) -4
20 TO1208 (1816) -5
21 so16__shogi (2089) --1
22 sankakusan (2302) -25
23 tebasaki (1969) -8
24 Kazu2527 (1800) -0
25 Ryosuke24 (1950) -3
26 yoyoto (1910) -0
27 raimreim (1552) -10
28 kinkinsnsn (1594) -6
29 ScarletBallest (2123) -14
30 sansuuseven (1817) -8
31 Adieu (1954) -39
32 sonmin3 (1564) -2
33 ultra7 (1425) !2
34 Astaire (1852) 18
35 noah0508 (2208) -12
36 Endai_habata (1902) -21
37 yumerin (1513) -2
38 dragonian (1639) 28
39 kidu (1832) -14
40 kambuy (1841) -9
41 B3rs3rk (1739) -1
42 miku_hatsune7 (2252) -29
43 maxExecute (2112) -3
44 81shogina (2170) 9
45 tomokioo (1606) 8
46 kokebotsu99 (1459) 8
47 disaster77 (1911) ---------------------------!--------12

Recent gamesSee all

2022-02-28Astaire ○ - ● mura3264KifuGame
2022-02-27ryuryushima427 ○ - ● kasshy2KifuGame
2022-02-27Kosei_O ○ - ● kasshy2KifuGame
2022-02-27kasshy2 ○ - ● dragonianKifuGame
2022-02-27mikiayuka ○ - ● dragonianKifuGame







○: 勝ち (3ポイント)
●: 負け (1ポイント)
△: 引分 (2ポイント)
□: 不戦勝 (3ポイント、主催者が入力)
■: 不戦敗 (0ポイント、主催者が入力)
▲: 不戦引分 (1ポイント、主催者が入力)
◆: 無効試合 (0ポイント、主催者が入力)
空欄: 未対局 (連絡履歴なし)
-: 未対局 (連絡履歴あり)
/: 未対局 (対局日時決定済)
!: 未対局 (決定した対局日時を経過)

Explanation of the tournament rules

Even game, 0min+10sec Non-rated/ Round-robin tournament.
The winner will be the one with the most points at the end of the tournament.

About disqualification

Determined by mutual agreement If the player is late for 10 minutes or more from the updated game date and time, the late user or both will be considered as undefeated.
① When one player is late
→ Defeat the late user
② When both players are late
→ Both are tied
The tournament will proceed as.

About Bonuses

The winner of the tournament will receive the official title "Shooting Star" and 500D miles from 81 Dojo.
The runner-up will receive 250D miles, the third place winner will receive 150D miles and top of the "kyuu" will receive 100D miles from kazzy_o.

About the rank

If the winning points are the same, the winner of the head-to-head matchup will be ranked higher.
If there is no direct competition between two or more players with the most points, a playoff will be held on a separate tournament page.
'''The first time, you will be given a warning with a reason.
The second offense will result in disqualification, regardless of the nature of the offense.'''
How to use the match table
Clicking each cell will open the detail page for each game. You can send message to the opponent and set the game schedule with the system provided in the game page.
The updates in the game page will be notified to the opponent via e-mail. If you have registered to 81Dojo with a false e-mail address, please refrain from participating in this tournament, as you will not be able to receive notifications from the system. You may lose by default if you do not reply to the opponent's message or his effort to set a new game schedule.
Clicking each user name in the match table will open the individual detail status in this tournament, including the list of his upcoming games. Please check your own game schedule in your status page.
In the individual page, each user can display a general message to all participants of the tournament. This can be used, for example, to clarify your convenient timing when you can login and play games.
In some cases, the organizer may set the schedule for the games before the tournament starts. Please check the specified game schedule before the tournament, and arrange a new appointment with the opponent via the system if the pre-set schedule is not convenient for you.
Please note that all messages written in the system will be open to all logged-in users.
○: Win (3 points)
●: Loss (1 point)
△: Draw (2 points)
□: Win-by-default (3 points, input by the organizer)
■: Loss-by-default (0 point, input by the organizer)
▲: Draw-by-default (1 point, input by the organizer)
Blank: Not played yet (No communication so far)
-: Not played yet (With a communication history)
/: Not played yet (Schedule is already fixed)
!: Not played yet (The schedule agreed has already passed)
How to create a special game room for the tournament
During the tournament period, participants will be having a special option in the "Create new game" window in the Dojo app to create a "Tournament Room" for your tournament. Select this option and wait for the opponent.
Only the participants of this tournament can challenge the player waiting in the corresponding Tournament Room.
All games must be played in this special Tournament Room so as to be automatically counted in the match table.
The app allows the same players to play a second game in the tournament. However, only the result of the first game is taken. It is recommended that you check your game history carefully before starting a game with someone in the league, so as not to play any second game with the same opponent by mistake.

Regulations regarding harassment, refusal of games, ignoring challenges, disposition of participants who are reluctant to digest games, etc.

In that case, it is a red card) ". If there is a second time, the red card will be "disqualified or undefeated" regardless of the content of the violation. Disposal to participants who are reluctant to digest It is expected that the digestion speed will be fast due to the quick-pointing shogi tournament. Those who are very reluctant to digest the game (for example, digestion rate less than 10%, refusal of the game from high-rate participants, ignoring challenges, etc.) should refrain from participating in advance. Those who have not played 10 days after the start of the tournament, or less than 3 stations after 20 days, or less than 5 stations in total with the previous term (not applicable if not participating in the previous term) will be disqualified. Please be careful.


★This tournament has been approved by 81dojo administrators.
Please be careful not to violate dojo rules and etiquette.
★Only when the two parties agree on the date and time of the proposal, can the "Decision Update" be sent.
Unilateral decision updates are not valid.
Please only propose a date and time until the other party agrees.
★If you have any questions or comments about this tournament, please send them to the following topic. (The organizer will take action as soon as it is confirmed.)
★If you have any questions, please feel free to contact .
★ COM Go players cannot participate. Also, please note that new players will be disqualified if the rating is not confirmed by the time of the event.

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at