The 1st TSS tournament part 2

All game records in the tournament

2022-01-30 11:15enara● - ○Galileo0202KifuGame
2022-01-30 11:13mituharu● - ○NakamaruKifuGame
2022-01-30 11:06enara● - ○NakamaruKifuGame
2022-01-30 11:04syuji_m○ - ●risaton714KifuGame
2022-01-30 10:55Nakamaru○ - ●syuji_mKifuGame
2022-01-30 10:51mituharu○ - ●Galileo0202KifuGame
2022-01-30 10:51enara● - ○syuji_mKifuGame
2022-01-30 10:41akitoku● - ○corosuke43KifuGame
2022-01-30 10:36mituharu● - ○syuji_mKifuGame
2022-01-30 10:33risaton714● - ○Ryoma712KifuGame
2022-01-30 10:28Nakamaru○ - ●akitokuKifuGame
2022-01-30 10:25OshiroHirata○ - ●enaraKifuGame
2022-01-30 10:24mituharu○ - ●Ryoma712KifuGame
2022-01-30 10:21yuzu10● - ○corosuke43KifuGame
2022-01-30 10:11akitoku● - ○risaton714KifuGame
2022-01-30 10:01mituharu○ - ●enaraKifuGame
2022-01-30 09:58Nakamaru● - ○Galileo0202KifuGame
2022-01-30 09:57OshiroHirata○ - ●yuzu10KifuGame
2022-01-30 09:56Ryoma712● - ○corosuke43KifuGame
2022-01-30 09:46akitoku● - ○yuzu10KifuGame
2022-01-30 09:40OshiroHirata○ - ●corosuke43KifuGame
2022-01-30 09:38Midoritomo○ - ●enaraKifuGame
2022-01-30 09:37Hazard○ - ●risaton714KifuGame
2022-01-30 09:30mituharu○ - ●akitokuKifuGame
2022-01-30 09:29Hazard○ - ●corosuke43KifuGame
2022-01-30 09:24Galileo0202○ - ●yuzu10KifuGame
2022-01-30 09:20enara○ - ●HazardKifuGame
2022-01-30 09:16risaton714○ - ●corosuke43KifuGame
2022-01-30 09:14Nakamaru○ - ●OshiroHirataKifuGame
2022-01-30 09:13Ryoma712● - ○syuji_mKifuGame

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at