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10th term CosmOu League-A [MAX-R2000 and up] 15min+60sec Rated

Cosmou header

Tournament Info

81Dojo Official Tournament
Tournament organizer: raidensiratsuyu (1988) ☗19☗4☗4
Co-organizer: Hidetchi (1891) ☗10☗5☗10
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: UTC
Tournament period: 2022-04-01 00:00 ~ 2022-05-30 14:30 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Rated (15 min + 60 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 Ziruchan (2239) 42決勝進出 A-1
2 fraise_blanche (2261) -40決勝進出 A-2
3 makoharu33r (2115) 40決勝進出 A-2
4 harutokei (2107) -40決勝進出 A-2 → A-3 (A)
5 haruman0211 (2464) 39決勝進出 A-3
6 rebornI (2300) 39決勝進出 A-3
7 ToshioTakeyama (2145) 36決勝進出 A-4
8 morinagatanishi (2094) --31
9 Nontan0826 (2107) 28
10 lipengyu3 (2320) ----27
11 harukiyuma (2078) ---26
12 Akinorinakazawa (1802) --26
13 mikiayuka (1946) ---22
14 cliffvine (2064) ----21
15 shumai2 (2060) -19
16 tebasaki (1969) ---19
17 kousuke110 (2018) 3【提案スルー過多】により失格 2022-05-13
18 so16__shogi (2200) 1【提案スルー過多】により失格 2022-05-13

Recent gamesSee all

2022-05-29harutokei ● - ○ ZiruchanKifuGame
2022-05-28shumai2 ● - ○ haruman0211KifuGame
2022-05-28fraise_blanche ○ - ● shumai2KifuGame
2022-05-24Ziruchan ● - ○ fraise_blancheKifuGame
2022-05-24rebornI ○ - ● fraise_blancheKifuGame


第10期 宇宙王戦 決勝トーナメント
Application for win a game by default.
【ご注意】対戦日時提案は UTC となっております。
ご提案される際は「日本時間 -9時間」にてご記入を
「表示時間 +9時間 = 日本時間」です。
申し上げます。<(_ _)>(大会主催者より)
CosmOu -League-A,B- 15min+60sec Rated/ Round-robin
[Rules and Commendation]
Please take a look at the lower part of description.
宇宙王 -歴代覇者
-予選リーグ- 15分+60秒 R/ 総当たり戦
☆予選:総当たり戦・2リーグ制 約60日
☆本戦:9名 2敗敗退形式・勝ち抜きT 約35日
・本戦勝ち抜き者 1勝
・敗者復活戦勝ち抜き者 2連勝
-予選- 15分+60秒 R の総当たり戦
七段 2300~2499 (※R2500+は参加不可)
六段 2200-2299
五段 2100-2199 
四段 2000-2099 MAX R2000以上 予選通過4名
四段 1950-1999 MAX R1999以下 予選通過2名
三段 1800-1949 
二段 1650-1799 MAX R1799以下 予選通過2名
初段 1500-1649
1級 1425-1499 …
勝点:〇□ 3/ △ 2/ ●▲ 1/ ■◆ 0
League-A:MAX-R2000~2499 ⇒上位4名が本戦進出
League-B:MAX-R1800~1999 ⇒上位2名が本戦進出
      MAX-R1799以下 ⇒上位2名が本戦進出
・宇宙王(1回戦シード) touma999様
(League-A>League-B MAX-R1999以下>League-B MAX-R1799以下)
CosmOu -winners-
【How CosmOu works】15min+60sec R
Round-robin/ 2 League System: 60 days
・Application period for the finals: 10 days
Double elimination/ Capacity 9 participants: 35 days
・CosmOu first-round seed.
・1 game term is due within 7 days.
☆CosmOu (first-round seed)
League-B MAX-R1799 and down 2nd
League-A 4th
League-B MAX-R1799 and down 1st
League-A 3rd
League-B MAX-R1999 and down 2nd
League-A 2nd
League-B MAX-R1999 and down 1st
League-A 1st
※They win a bye on the League-A side if there is not played a game.
・CosmOu:1000 D-miles.(Presented by 81dojo)
・Eliminated in final: 500 D-miles.
・Eliminated in semi-final: 300 D-miles.
・Eliminated in quarter-final: 150 D-miles.
・Eliminated in Loser revival final: 200 D-miles.
・Eliminated in Loser revival semi-final: 100 D-miles.
(Presented by organizer)
【About Win and Loss-by-default】
★Please report to the organizer.
-Automatically loss-
・More than 15 minutes late from the promised date and time.
・Don't come on the day you promise.
・Don't respond to the other person's suggestion.
・Break the promise after the decision update.
(Forced the decision update is prohibited.)
※Rules on manners are also included.
※If in the case of a lack of communication problems.
【About ignoring a proposal】
・For three or more proposals at intervals of 3 days or more 
if there are no suggestions or comments.
⇒ Lose by default
★ Please contact the organizer.
・When there is a complaint from three or more people.
⇒ Disqualified [too many rejections of proposals]
【Please be careful】(Rated games only)
・Those above "R2500" can not participate.
・Proof of your ability (to make a game) is required for those above "R2400".
・The host asks the administrator to investigate if the organizer thinks a data check is required.
Thank you.

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at