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Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: organelle (2219)
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: Japan
Tournament period: 2022-03-19 00:00 ~ 2022-04-04 00:00 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Non-rated (20 min + 30 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 organelle (2219) 3610-6
2 matu222 (1908) 213-9
3 ron6ron (2222) 286-10
4 yuutaa (2118) 92-3
5 isekito (2119) 153-6
6 T23K14 (2049) 369-9
7 yuushun0316 (2226) 112-5
8 harutokei (2204) 246-6
9 kousuke1230 (1895) 41-1
10 Kengo_K (2260) 41-1
11 totio2021 (2041) 30-3
12 yumakiti (2036) 30-3
13 nyugyokudaisuki (1893) 142-8
14 Jazz1960 (1661) 61-3
15 isooooo (2261) 4815-3
16 Urutoratatsuto (2199) 152-9
17 mutsuki111 (1582) 268-2
18 yu_u (1965) 61-3
19 Soushi_H (1896) 00-0
20 shuheikun (1943) 3110-1
21 Kei_Lv100 (1916) 154-3
22 tamagonn (2308) 3411-1
23 tamagobisya (1728) 71-4
24 westicefresh (2128) 00-0
25 yuyuyu1000r (2039) 00-0

Recent gamesSee all

2022-04-03shuheikun ○ - ● tamagobisyaKifuGame
2022-04-03yuutaa ○ - ● T23K14KifuGame
2022-04-03yuutaa ● - ○ tamagonnKifuGame
2022-04-03ron6ron ● - ○ Kei_Lv100KifuGame
2022-04-03tamagonn ○ - ● Kei_Lv100KifuGame



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