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In 81dojo Friendly Shogi Cup rating Under 1400

151956080363088495177 2018y02m25d 210749401

Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: lemontea1990 (1979) ☗6☗17☗5
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: Japan
Tournament period: 2018-03-02 01:00 ~ 2018-03-28 23:00 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Rated (15 min + 60 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
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1 zloysnegovik (1281) -!34Valuable Player
2 Jaturawit (1597) 50Championship
3 spinoza1313 (1070) -6 Impressive Player
4 Kaolin (1525) 34Valuable Player
5 will2014 (1077) -1
6 Krishna (1919) -0
7 TristanT (1434) 18Fresh Player
8 mdarg (1427) 43Valuable Player
9 aircraft16 (1067) -9Impressive Player
10 shimamoto (1245) 17High Winning percentage
11 peanatsu (1205) ----!------------24BFP
12 wani (1429) 17Impressive Player
13 joymota (1175) 17Impressive Player
14 k04181230 (1300) !6Impressive Player
15 Hikari1 (762) --0
16 Toretto (1250) -9Impressive Player
17 katsumiwinner (1375) 16Impressive Player
18 penpalrdro (1258) 31Valuable Player
19 fasakichi (1012) 36Valuable Player
20 0z4ck (1393) -16Fresh Player
21 Manta_5 (1988) -19Impressive Player
22 Amesyo (1540) -9Fresh Player
23 ryuounoosigoto (1622) -27Best Winning percentage
24 sappye (1275) 43Most Impression Player
25 LiamKerr (1749) -3
26 whenl99 (1350) -12Fresh Player
27 rycanvan (1425) -10Fresh Player
28 Azen (1200) -9 Impressive Player
29 peperon213 (1273) -13Fresh Player
30 2xbon (962) 5Fresh Player
31 yuito1023 (844) !-0
32 kait_ (1141) 14Impressive Player

Recent gamesSee all

2018-03-28katsumiwinner ○ - ● 0z4ckKifuGame
2018-03-28ryuounoosigoto ○ - ● 0z4ckKifuGame
2018-03-280z4ck ○ - ● shimamotoKifuGame
2018-03-27katsumiwinner ● - ○ mdargKifuGame
2018-03-26TristanT ● - ○ 0z4ckKifuGame


I will hold a tourney"Friendly Shogi Cup rating Under 1400"
please join our tourney if you were U1400 in 81dojo.
caution:new comers and too little rating players we will refuse them.
this tourney for beginners and low and middle classes players.
rating under 1400 players can entry
we hope that you play with same classes players.and get joy ,motivation up.
takeit easy.thank you
it may not be easy to encounter your rival players.but ifyou can,youwill have a good time with him.
please enjoy our tourney.we hope it.
MIP Sappy
We know the difficulty many lost make us beat up.
but he played many games with is amazing.
and so we give him MIP prize.
IP spinoza& Azen&aircraft&2xbon
We know the difficulty many lost make us beat up.
but they played many games.I was surprized
and so we give them IP prize.
BFP peanatsu
he is a tournament debut player.he played over 4 games in our tourney.we praise to them.we give him best fresh players prize
FP Tristan T&peperon
they are tournament debut players.they played over 4 games in our tourney.we praise to them.we give them fresh players prize.

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