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Open Russian Cup

Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: vshnl (1597)
Co-organizer: Barselona15 (2000)
Tournament format:  Single elimination
Final match: 3-game match
Displayed time zone: Moscow
Tournament period: 2022-07-10 13:00 ~ 2022-07-10 21:00 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Non-rated (10 min + 30 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
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3-game Finals

MaxxZahar (1766)
Barselona15 (2000) Winner


  Barselona15 (2000)
  Sergey_Genke (1450)
  IvanMedv07 (1434)
  WARR10R (1709)
  _Uheifff_legacy_ (1699)
  SPb (1616)
  DenisKoro (1504)
  egor2021 (1219)
  Tooro (1762)
  Honey_Badger (1607)
  MaxxZahar (1766)
  den2010 (1304)
  Grisha (1476)
  vshnl (1597)
  Vovsun (1539)
  AlenMark (1812)
  YUICHI_1 (1484)
  NikolaiTak (1330)
  AndreyBatyaPro (1518)
  raimreim (1552)

Recent gamesSee all

2022-07-10Barselona15 ○ - ● MaxxZaharKifuGame
2022-07-10Barselona15 ○ - ● MaxxZaharKifuGame
2022-07-10MaxxZahar ○ - ● AlenMarkKifuGame
2022-07-10Honey_Badger ● - ○ Barselona15KifuGame
2022-07-10MaxxZahar ○ - ● vshnlKifuGame


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