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11th term Meiryu Cup Final Tournament


Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: shumai2 (2090) ☗17☗8☗6
Club member requirement: 楽しく!(^^)!何でも研究会☆Enjoy!(^^)!Anything study club
Tournament format:  Stepladder
Final match: 1-game match
Displayed time zone: Japan
Tournament period: 2023-05-01 00:00 ~ 2023-06-15 00:00 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Non-rated (5 min + 30 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


In 81Dojo's stepladder format, (1) the last winner of the ladder and (2) the player having the most winning streak (higher seeded player if tied) will play the finals. (If both are an identical player, he automatically becomes the final winner.)

  honour (2206)
  keiasa (1844)
  sankakusan (2302)
  byuta (2360)
  Altair710 (2203)
  koshon (2017)
  shumai2 (2090)

Max winning streak: sankakusan (2302)  (5 games)

Recent gamesSee all

2023-06-11sankakusan ○ - ● shumai2KifuGame
2023-05-29sankakusan ○ - ● Altair710KifuGame
2023-05-24sankakusan ○ - ● byutaKifuGame
2023-05-17honour ● - ○ sankakusanKifuGame




1位 200Dマイル
2位 150Dマイル
3位 100Dマイル




○: 勝ち (3ポイント)
●: 負け (1ポイント)
△: 引分 (2ポイント)
□: 不戦勝 (3ポイント、主催者が入力)
■: 不戦敗 (0ポイント、主催者が入力)
▲: 不戦引分 (1ポイント、主催者が入力)
◆: 無効試合 (0ポイント、主催者が入力)
空欄: 未対局 (連絡履歴なし)
-: 未対局 (連絡履歴あり)
/: 未対局 (対局日時決定済)
!: 未対局 (決定した対局日時を経過)
Only Final Tournament entrants are eligible to participate.


1st place 300Dmiles
2nd place 150Dmiles
3rd place 100Dmiles

Tournament rules

The deadline for games is one week per game.
If a game is not played by the deadline, it will be judged in the order of the player who is more active in completing the game, and the player who is lower in the tournament ranking.
If you have not played by the deadline, you will be judged in order of the number of games played and the rank of the tournament.
The banner for this tournament was made by koshon. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Let's have fun and get stronger! (^^)!
I'm looking forward to seeing many of you there.
If you have any questions, please ask in the dedicated topic.
Dedicated topic→
If no player arrives after 15 minutes from the time agreed upon by both players, the game will be declared uncontested with the application for uncontested game.
The final winner and the player with the most consecutive wins will not play each other, and the final winner will be declared the winner of the tournament.
Read the following description carefully before applying for the tournament by clicking the button at the top of this page. As soon as the organizer accepts your registration, you will be added to the match table.
How to use the match table
  • Clicking each cell will open the detail page for each game. You can send message to the opponent and set the game schedule with the system provided in the game page.
  • The updates in the game page will be notified to the opponent via e-mail. If you have registered to 81Dojo with a false e-mail address, please refrain from participating in this tournament, as you will not be able to receive notifications from the system. You may lose by default if you do not reply to the opponent's message or his effort to set a new game schedule.
  • Clicking each user name in the match table will open the individual detail status in this tournament, including the list of his upcoming games. Please check your own game schedule in your status page.
    • In the individual page, each user can display a general message to all participants of the tournament. This can be used, for example, to clarify your convenient timing when you can login and play games.
  • In some cases, the organizer may set the schedule for the games before the tournament starts. Please check the specified game schedule before the tournament, and arrange a new appointment with the opponent via the system if the pre-set schedule is not convenient for you.
  • Please note that all messages written in the system will be open to all logged-in users.
  • Symbols
    • ○: Win (3 points)
    • ●: Loss (1 point)
    • △: Draw (2 points)
    • □: Win-by-default (3 points, input by the organizer)
    • ■: Loss-by-default (0 point, input by the organizer)
    • ▲: Draw-by-default (1 point, input by the organizer)
    • Blank: Not played yet (No communication so far)
    • -: Not played yet (With a communication history)
    • /: Not played yet (Schedule is already fixed)
    • !: Not played yet (The schedule agreed has already passed)
How to create a special game room for the tournament
  • During the tournament period, participants will be having a special option in the "Create new game" window in the Dojo app to create a "Tournament Room" for your tournament. Select this option and wait for the opponent.
  • Only the participants of this tournament can challenge the player waiting in the corresponding Tournament Room.
  • All games must be played in this special Tournament Room so as to be automatically counted in the match table.
  • The app allows the same players to play a second game in the tournament. However, only the result of the first game is taken. It is recommended that you check your game history carefully before starting a game with someone in the league, so as not to play any second game with the same opponent by mistake.

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at