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I Kyoto Shogi CNS

Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: Tokyopeach (1536) ☗0☗6☗6
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: Brasilia Time
Tournament period: 2023-06-25 18:00 ~ 2023-06-25 20:00 Ended
Game rule: Kyoto shogi (5 min + 60 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 DuduRyuuouBR (1675) 16
2 Angelito (1881) 14
3 FlavioFam (1149) 5
4 Tokyopeach (1536) 16
5 Paceakit (1120) 4
6 DICKBRAZIL (1622) 14
7 Thiayamiti (1305) 7

Recent gamesSee all

2023-06-25Paceakit ● - ○ AngelitoKifuGame
2023-06-25DuduRyuuouBR ○ - ● ThiayamitiKifuGame
2023-06-25Tokyopeach ○ - ● DICKBRAZILKifuGame
2023-06-25Paceakit ● - ○ DuduRyuuouBRKifuGame
2023-06-25Thiayamiti ○ - ● FlavioFamKifuGame


Torneio realizado pela comunidade do Clube Nacional de Shogi Brasil (CNS), aberto para todos os brasileiros e amigos.

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