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 第1回 龍王戦

Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: mumumumumu (1774) ☗1☗6☗14
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: UTC
Tournament period: 2016-11-01 21:00 ~ 2016-12-01 23:00 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Non-rated (10 min + 60 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 mumumumumu (1774) 22
2 708 (1598) 13
3 kousei (1843) 4
4 ryo2001 (1500) 7
5 haya0325 (1960) 0
6 poiuyt (1531) 7
7 Jaturawit (1597) 13
8 icecream (2324) 0
9 LeeJaeWoo (1803) 1
10 tatubento (1626) 1
11 kanimaro (1470) 8
12 huzitora (1969) 25
13 zhousai (1425) 8
14 masahitoarabaki (1898) 22
15 rokugospace (1150) 5
16 period (2131) 30
17 Lucy_yuri (1794) 40
18 woody312 (1587) 7
19 tonnbo (1610) 11

Recent gamesSee all

2016-11-20Lucy_yuri ○ - ● poiuytKifuGame
2016-11-20Lucy_yuri ○ - ● LeeJaeWooKifuGame
2016-11-18period ○ - ● mumumumumuKifuGame
2016-11-17zhousai ● - ○ Lucy_yuriKifuGame
2016-11-15huzitora ○ - ● kanimaroKifuGame


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