Shogi Ladder Week 181

All game records in the tournament

2023-12-10 13:16poodypas● - ○TuelypKifuGame
2023-12-10 13:00HopefulHedgehog○ - ●gosttoneKifuGame
2023-12-10 11:48poodypas○ - ●TerakuKifuGame
2023-12-10 02:10gosttone○ - ●kazimierz_vnKifuGame
2023-12-09 21:50Balint○ - ●TerakuKifuGame
2023-12-09 15:02Balint● - ○HopefulHedgehogKifuGame
2023-12-08 15:18kazimierz_vn● - ○mizzutiKifuGame
2023-12-08 14:00mizzuti○ - ●TuelypKifuGame

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at