Tournament Info
Tournament organizer: Ryuboy (1856)
Tournament format: Single elimination
Final match: 1-game match
Displayed time zone: UTC
Tournament period: 2023-12-29 19:00 ~ 2023-12-28 20:30 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Non-rated (10 min + 30 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament: https://system.81dojo.com/en/tournaments/4423
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="https://system.81dojo.com/en/tournaments/4423/iframe">
Tournament format: Single elimination
Final match: 1-game match
Displayed time zone: UTC
Tournament period: 2023-12-29 19:00 ~ 2023-12-28 20:30 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Non-rated (10 min + 30 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament: https://system.81dojo.com/en/tournaments/4423
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="https://system.81dojo.com/en/tournaments/4423/iframe">