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World Shogi League 2024, Division D

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Tournament Info

81Dojo Official Tournament
Tournament organizer: Thomas (1712) ☗6☗5☗7
Co-organizer: Celegast (1707)
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: UTC
Tournament period: 2024-02-01 00:00 ~ 2025-01-11 00:00Playing
Game rule: Even game, Rated (30 min + 60 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 degringolade (1546) 20
2 Clawmac (1555) 23
3 potnoodlechef (1522) 4
4 MerryHatMan (1101) 18
5 CricketForJapan (1450) 0
6 Alfieri (1452) 15
7 nestor (1201) 20
8 wirakocha (1065) 12
9 cathbad (996) 2
10 RioMike (1575) 0
11 sapphires (1553) 0
12 Francesco_Frank (1475) 16
13 Bazzullo (1500) -15
14 jacon (1451) /26
15 enrico (1322) 0
16 Pagni (1682) 24
17 kurohige (1381) 12
18 miloszroman (1545) 16
19 patmax (1439) 4
20 Lukas1 (1545) -18
21 Ipherius (1199) -13
22 Tonyko (1333) 25
23 Maros (1281) 0
24 ousama (1450) !15
25 RobBennett (1199) 22
26 NZMao (919) 12
27 SachaBreton (1684) -18
28 Mystia (1381) -14
29 Splnter75 (1190) 8
30 EPplayer (1892) 20
31 DontKnow (1349) 15
32 Stuy93 (1300) 19
33 Dodoshrekk (1150) 2
34 Fryderyk (1715) 25
35 Ogochi (1661) -26
36 vladt (1380) 0
37 Lieniks (1349) /26
38 macic (999) 0
39 skykeeper (1720) 19
40 gosttone (1650) 28
41 ThePharmacist (1374) 24
42 Grisha (1486) !9
43 LyahMat08 (1513) 20
44 egor2021 (1226) 11
45 JaneDragon (1000) 3
46 Integra (1851) 6
47 amoisol (1508) 1
48 snufkin_1301 (1324) 11
49 EarTorpedo (1800) 17
50 Blitzer101 (1078) 3
51 Roksy (984) 0
52 Eifereon (1300) 11
53 WhiteDrop (850) 0

Next gamesSee all

2024-12-15 10:00:00 UTCjacon vs LieniksGame

Recent gamesSee all

2024-12-08Ogochi ○ - ● nestorKifuGame
2024-12-01potnoodlechef ● - ○ gosttoneKifuGame
2024-11-30Tonyko ○ - ● patmaxKifuGame
2024-11-26Alfieri ● - ○ FryderykKifuGame
2024-11-24DontKnow ● - ○ BazzulloKifuGame


Only WSL team members can register in this match table. The players will be added to the table via the WSL-website.
This tournament page is created only for administrative reasons.
For tournament details and official results, please go to World Shogi League official website.

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at