第2期 奔王戦 NR 0-10【将棋なんでも研究会 タイトル戦】~賞与総額800Dマイル~

All game records in the tournament

2024-05-20 20:25nekobisha○ - ●so16__shogiKifuGame
2024-05-18 20:46so16__shogi● - ○MeguroSannmaKifuGame
2024-05-11 08:34goike1○ - ●nekobishaKifuGame
2024-05-11 08:28goike1○ - ●makorevoKifuGame
2024-05-10 20:063takuya● - ○nekobishaKifuGame
2024-05-05 08:25makorevo○ - ●3takuyaKifuGame
2024-04-28 18:43makorevo○ - ●dorayaki3KifuGame
2024-04-27 20:52goike1○ - ●81shoginaKifuGame
2024-04-27 09:11pananza● - ○3takuyaKifuGame
2024-04-23 20:55pananza● - ○dorayaki3KifuGame
2024-04-23 20:05so16__shogi● - ○goike1KifuGame
2024-04-22 20:53so16__shogi● - ○pananzaKifuGame
2024-04-22 20:39mikiayuka● - ○dorayaki3KifuGame
2024-04-18 21:163takuya● - ○dorayaki3KifuGame
2024-04-18 21:04nekobisha● - ○dorayaki3KifuGame
2024-04-17 20:29so16__shogi○ - ●dorayaki3KifuGame
2024-04-17 16:59dorayaki3○ - ●goike1KifuGame

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at https://81dojo.com.