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2nd Sakurai match Class ranking match Total 3000D miles

Still open for joining in Deadline: 2024-09-25 00:00 (Japan)

You need to Login to WebSystem before you apply to this tournament.

Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: shijimi0917 (2012) ☗9☗12☗3
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: Japan
Tournament period: 2024-08-25 12:00 ~ 2024-12-25 23:30Playing
Game rule: Even game, Non-rated (0 min + 10 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 kumasann (2090) ---7A-1 第一期桜麗
2 goike1 (2338) -9A-3
3 shinmaisensei (2300) -----------------23A-4
4 so16__shogi (2170) ---0A-6
5 karaagekun2525 (1698) --5B-3
6 pananza (1950) ---0B-5
7 shijimi0917 (2012) --3B-6
8 applehamu (2117) --0B-8
9 mikiayuka (1946) --3B-12
10 mura3264 (1532) ---------------------11B-13
11 MikanShogi324 (1740) ---0B-14
12 shunsei0917 (1868) --1C-3
13 shougi (1522) --1C-6
14 YUICHI_1 (1492) --0D-2
15 sorobanban (1196) --0D-4
16 katsu1968 (1442) ---0D-5
17 Shogimania717 (1576) -----------0D-7
18 nikikai88 (1675) -2D-8
19 oimotarooo (2035) -2D-9
20 sansuuseven (1810) -4D-10
21 shoyu551 (2307) -1D-11
22 keiasa (1759) --1D-12
23 ultra7 (1425) --0D-13
24 boomerang_hata (1373) 2D-14
25 charupom (2341) -3D-15
26 taichi009 (1264) --0D-16
27 koridorasu (1358) --2D-17
28 kousuke110 (2034) 0D=18

Recent gamesSee all

2024-09-16kumasann ○ - ● shougiKifuGame
2024-09-16kumasann ● - ○ goike1KifuGame
2024-09-16oimotarooo ● - ○ karaagekun2525KifuGame
2024-09-16goike1 ○ - ● karaagekun2525KifuGame
2024-09-14shinmaisensei ○ - ● karaagekun2525KifuGame


(例) 対局がしやすい時間は○○曜日の○○時からです。:
A級 1名桜麗 2名降級
B級 昇級2名 降級2名
C級 昇級2名 降級2名
D級 昇級3名 降級なし
8月25日から9月15日 NR0-10
9月16日から10月25日 R 0-30
11月26日から12月25日R 0-30
○: 勝ち (3ポイント)
●: 負け (1ポイント)
△: 引分 (2ポイント)
□: 不戦勝 (3ポイント、主催者が入力)
■: 不戦敗 (0ポイント、主催者が入力)
▲: 不戦引分 (1ポイント、主催者が入力)
◆: 無効試合 (0ポイント、主催者が入力)
空欄: 未対局 (連絡履歴なし)
-: 未対局 (連絡履歴あり)
/: 未対局 (対局日時決定済)
!: 未対局 (決定した対局日時を経過)
Please read the following explanation carefully before applying for the tournament.
❚ Greeting
My name is shijimi0917. Thank you in advance.
❚ Tournament Format
It will be divided into Class A, Class B, Class C, and Class D and will be played in a round-robin format
Grade A rating 2200 or higher
Grade B: Rating: 1950 to 2199
Class C: Rating: 1650 to 1949
Class D Rating: 1649 or less
Ratings will be divided into classes with the highest rating.
❚ Promotion (bonus)
Class A: 1 person, Rei O, 2 people demoted
Class B: 2 people promoted, 2 people demoted
Class C: 2 people promoted, 2 people demoted
Class D: 3 people promoted, no demotion
  • The number of people who will be promoted or demoted will be decided at the start of the tournament.
1st place 900D
2nd place 800D
3rd place 700D
4th place 600D
A total of 3,000 D miles.
❚ Standings
(1) In order of highest score
(2) Head-to-head winner
(3) Number of wins
(4) Negative numbers
(5) Number of games played
(6) Highest Rating
(7) Order of application
❚ Holding time and tournament period
August 25 to September 15 NR0-10
September 16 to October 25 R 0-30
October 26 to November 25 NR0-10
November 26 to December 25 R 0-30
The tournament will be held from 00:00 on August 25 to 23:30 on December 25 Japan time.
❚ Bracket marks
○: Win (3 points)
●: Loss (1 point)
△: Draw (2 points)
□: Bye (3 points, entered by the organizer)
■: Bye (0 points, entered by the organizer)
▲: Draw by bye (1 point, entered by the organizer)
◆: Invalid match (0 points, entered by the organizer)
Blank: Not played (no contact history)
-: Not played (with contact history)
/: Not yet played (game date and time have been decided)
!: No game (after the decided game date and time)
❚ About the bye application
(1) If there is no game (no attendance) within 15 minutes after the decision is renewed, a bye application may be filed.
(2) If you do not receive any reply within 70 days of your proposal, you may apply for a bye.
If you would like to request a bye, please let us know at shijimi0917.
第1期桜麗 kumasann様

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at