Taiwan Shogi Open 2024 ( Ryuma Sen )

All game records in the tournament

2024-11-30 12:30cliffvine○ - ●chocoweiKifuGame
2024-11-24 19:59cliffvine○ - ●NaokikumaKifuGame
2024-11-22 20:34Wanger0917● - ○chocoweiKifuGame
2024-11-15 19:56Naokikuma○ - ●2000OldKifuGame
2024-11-14 20:58yamito001● - ○Wanger0917KifuGame
2024-11-10 20:362000Old○ - ●0Y1n20KifuGame(Appointed: 2024-11-10 21:00)
2024-11-09 22:31chocowei○ - ●GreatPastaKifuGame
2024-11-09 21:00Ann81● - ○GreatPastaKifuGame(Appointed: 2024-11-09 21:00)
2024-11-09 19:07Nue1357● - ○NaokikumaKifuGame(Appointed: 2024-11-09 19:00)
2024-11-07 19:58Shogi_Historian● - ○yamito001KifuGame(Appointed: 2024-11-07 20:00)
2024-11-02 21:58chocowei○ - ●nakamura1969KifuGame(Appointed: 2024-11-02 22:00)
2024-11-02 20:50cliffvine○ - ●XpotatoKifuGame
2024-11-02 20:32kilabrz_● - ○Wanger0917KifuGame(Appointed: 2024-11-02 20:30)
2024-11-02 20:07WARR10R● - ○XpotatoKifuGame(Appointed: 2024-11-02 20:00)
2024-11-01 22:56cliffvine○ - ●GGLRUSHKifuGame(Appointed: 2024-11-01 23:00)

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at https://81dojo.com.