第2期 京都将棋杯 (0分+30秒)

All game records in the tournament

2024-11-24 18:14tobekun19● - ○nabla8KifuGame
2024-11-15 20:26hinaren● - ○Keichan0330KifuGame
2024-11-11 20:52hinaren● - ○nabla8KifuGame
2024-11-06 20:28shunsei0917● - ○nabla8KifuGame
2024-11-06 19:24Sey_Ma● - ○tobekun19KifuGame
2024-11-03 18:28hinaren● - ○nikikai88KifuGame
2024-11-02 20:59shunsei0917● - ○nikikai88KifuGame
2024-11-02 20:33miiyon● - ○hideyoshi_hashibaKifuGame
2024-11-02 20:15miiyon○ - ●Keichan0330KifuGame
2024-11-02 20:03miiyon● - ○hinarenKifuGame
2024-11-02 19:37hideyoshi_hashiba○ - ●nabla8KifuGame
2024-11-02 19:31hideyoshi_hashiba○ - ●shunsei0917KifuGame
2024-11-01 10:38shunsei0917○ - ●hinarenKifuGame
2024-10-31 20:47yuma7sai● - ○miiyonKifuGame
2024-10-31 20:31miiyon○ - ●shunsei0917KifuGame
2024-10-31 20:20tobekun19● - ○miiyonKifuGame
2024-10-31 20:14miiyon○ - ●nabla8KifuGame
2024-10-31 20:05so16__shogi○ - ●Nhiro0730KifuGame
2024-10-31 20:03Nhiro0730○ - ●Keichan0330KifuGame
2024-10-31 19:59Keichan0330○ - ●so16__shogiKifuGame
2024-10-31 19:50so16__shogi● - ○koridorasuKifuGame
2024-10-31 19:48Keichan0330● - ○koridorasuKifuGame
2024-10-31 19:43koridorasu● - ○nabla8KifuGame
2024-10-31 18:04koridorasu○ - ●kouki4startKifuGame
2024-10-30 07:39Nhiro0730● - ○miiyonKifuGame

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