第一回激闘戦 人数により賞金変動! 最大総額1000dマイル

All game records in the tournament

2024-11-14 11:47ryuryushima427○ - ●so16__shogiKifuGame
2024-11-14 11:33kousuke110● - ○so16__shogiKifuGame
2024-11-14 09:08katsu1968● - ○shinmaisenseiKifuGame
2024-11-14 09:03Yuuki291● - ○shinmaisenseiKifuGame
2024-11-13 12:21seiyashogi● - ○shinmaisenseiKifuGame
2024-11-13 12:07shinmaisensei○ - ●mura3264KifuGame
2024-11-13 12:00shinmaisensei○ - ●so16__shogiKifuGame
2024-11-13 11:56tenacity_for_victory● - ○shinmaisenseiKifuGame
2024-11-13 11:30shunsei0917○ - ●hinarenKifuGame

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at https://81dojo.com.