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"WASHINGTON DC" VS "AUSTRALIA" - Friendly Team Match 3 on 3

Shogi match washington dc vs australia v02 w800

Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: SydneyShuma (1500) ☗1☗6☗10
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: UTC
Tournament period: 2019-05-30 09:00 ~ 2019-05-31 09:00 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Non-rated (15 min + 30 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 Junko7575 (1055) 1
2 Kumatanchan (1400) 1
3 Mr_Moose (1140) 1
4 Az116 (1356) 3
5 chisato (1219) 3
6 Mk0117 (1496) 3
7 Zenshaw (1659) 0

Recent gamesSee all

2019-11-03Mk0117 ○ - ● Mr_MooseKifuGame
2019-11-02Kumatanchan ● - ○ chisatoKifuGame
2019-11-02Junko7575 ● - ○ Az116KifuGame


"WASHINGTON DC" VS "AUSTRALIA" - Friendly Team Match 3 on 3
This is the friendly team match of "Washington DC" and "Australia ".
Please feel free to come have a look our games! :)


1st game
junko7575 (DC:Junko) vs Az116 (AUS:Azusa)
game starts at..
  • 10am on 3rd Nov - Sydney Time
  • 8am on 3rd Nov - Japan Time
  • 11pm on 2nd Nov - UTC
2nd game
Kumatanchan (DC:Hirotake) vs chisato (AUS:Chisato)
game starts at..
  • 8pm on 2nd Nov - DC Time
  • 11am on 3rd Nov - Sydney Time
  • 9am on 3rd Nov - Japan Time
  • 0am on 3rd Nov - UTC
3rd game
Mr_Moose (DC:Richard) vs Mk0117 (AUS:Masaya)
game starts at..
  • 9pm on 2nd Nov - DC Time  
  • 12pm on 3rd Nov - Sydney Time
  • 10am on 3rd Nov - Japan Time
  • 1am on 3rd Nov - UTC

Thinking time

15 minutes + 30 seconds byoyomi

Team Info

Washington DC Branch
Australia Shogi Branch
Sydney Shogi Club
Melbourne Shogi Club
  • Email:
Brisbane Shogi Club
‘’Adelaide Shogi Club''
  • Email:

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