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Thanks to 150 Competitions 15min+60sec Non-rated

20200127185807 4d7158496d

Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: raidensiratsuyu (1964) ☗19☗4☗4
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: Japan
Tournament period: 2020-02-01 00:00 ~ 2020-04-20 23:30 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Non-rated (15 min + 60 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 osarukun (2234) 691位 150 / 勝点+1
2 masahitoarabaki (1898) 482位 100 / 勝点+1
3 DICKBRAZIL (1549) ----!---373rd place 75 / Pts.+1
4 billyhk (1568) 294位 50
5 toshio62 (1859) 245位 25
6 Oshiruko78 (1914) -21Mainly playing time: 17:30~21:30(Japan)
7 gondoukujira (1546) -21
8 Manta_5 (2019) 17
9 yuma_suzuki (1784) -15
10 ElGranCapitan (1349) 14Pts.+1
11 nobu459 (1670) 14勝点+1 /
12 asamizuki (1932) 14
13 Oshiruko02 (1502) 11
14 koshon (2017) 10勝点+1 /
15 Mipha (2147) 10
16 MoonSae (1641) 10
17 yoyoto (1910) -10
18 WhiteShark (1868) 10
19 Toretto (1250) 9
20 kei2000 (1273) 8
21 3rd_proof (1624) !7
22 MUSASI (2088) 6
23 katsumiwinner (1375) 6
24 kashiwa55 (2100) -6
25 Carbunculus (1813) -5
26 shintyan (1340) -3
27 raidensiratsuyu (1964) 23Organizer/ Mainly playing time 15:00~23:00
28 LINE0719 (1696) 7Disqualified

Recent gamesSee all

2020-04-05katsumiwinner ● - ○ osarukunKifuGame
2020-04-04kashiwa55 ● - ○ osarukunKifuGame
2020-03-303rd_proof ● - ○ gondoukujiraKifuGame
2020-03-25WhiteShark ○ - ● DICKBRAZILKifuGame
2020-03-24Mipha ● - ○ osarukunKifuGame


【バナー画像作成・ご提供 koshon 様】
この場をお借りいたしまして御礼申し上げます。<(_ _)>
【おかげさまで150開催 記念大会】15分+60秒 NR
【Thanks to 150 Competitions 15min+60sec Non-rated】
[Rules and Commendation]
Please take a look at the lower part of description.
第1回 目隠し将棋 中級(Middle)戦の開催終了時点にて、
They are arranged in the order of application.
(After 60 days, changed in the order of points.)
Please post your message to the organizer.
Read The Messages to the tournament from participants.
(✰) ⇒ Click on the handle name of the table.
Gradually play less and less, As the game goes on.
Increase the number of your games, Make suggestions
for the day when you can play games individually.
大会短縮名は「150 御礼」です。
「150/100/75/50/25 Dマイル」を授与させていただきます。
【raiden主催大会 Staged tournaments held by raiden】
[日本語版 2020-01]
[English 2020-01]
【Thanks to 150 Competitions 15min+60sec Non-rated】
[Rules and Commendation]
★7-dan ~ 15-kyu, Everyone can participate.
But COM_players can not join, Sorry.
In short: 150 compe.
★Presented to prizewinner 150/ 100/ 75/ 50/ 25 D-miles,
The parson with the higher points from 1st place to 5th place.
If the tie is the same place.
Please come and join us in this competition attend.
Thank you.
[Thanks to 150 Compe./ Organized by raidensiratsuyu]

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