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League C of Online Preliminary of the 10th Ricoh Cup Women's ”Ouza” Shogi Championship


Tournament Info

81Dojo Official Tournament
Tournament organizer: JoryuOuzaAdmin (2000)
Co-organizer: Hidetchi (1891) ☗10☗5☗10
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: UTC
Tournament period: 2020-02-08 10:00 ~ 2020-02-08 14:00 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Rated (20 min + 30 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 Perevozniuk_M (1590) 4
2 Turytsia_O (1590) 4
3 Dulmar_S (1480) 7
4 Gvishh_A (1590) 7

Recent gamesSee all

2020-02-08Dulmar_S ● - ○ Turytsia_OKifuGame
2020-02-08Perevozniuk_M ● - ○ Dulmar_SKifuGame
2020-02-08Turytsia_O ● - ○ Gvishh_AKifuGame
2020-02-08Gvishh_A ● - ○ Dulmar_SKifuGame


League C
2/8 UTC 10:00 1st Round
Perevozniuk_M vs Turytsia_O
Dulmar_S vs Gvishh_A
10:00 First round
11:00 Second round
12:00 Third round
The foreign guest player to the 10th Ricoh Cup Women's "Ouza" Shogi Championship Tournament will be decided with an online preliminary tournament. The winner will be invited to Japan to participate in the 1st Qualify Round of the 10th Ricoh Cup Women's "Ouza" Shogi Championship Tournament held on May 16th, 2020.
Only 2 players of each group are able to promote to the Final Round. Someone will be promoted to the Final Round at the time when she wins 2 games, and be eliminated at the time when she loses 2 games in the First Round.

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at