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1st Blindfold mode/ Middle 15min+60sec Non-rated (Reference Competition)

Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: raidensiratsuyu (1988) ☗19☗4☗4
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: UTC
Tournament period: 2020-02-16 00:00 ~ 2020-03-15 23:30 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Non-rated (15 min + 60 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 kokolemon (2562) --271st place/ 100
2 Oshiruko78 (1914) 202nd place/ 75
3 neokdr (2393) -183rd place of a tie/ 50
4 rei0 (1942) 183rd place of a tie/ 50
5 tegoi (1514) 17
6 koshon (2002) 15
7 yoyoto (1910) -15
8 Oshiruko02 (1502) 14
9 miramira (1680) 3Disqualified
10 Taichi316 (1140) 3Disqualified
11 rennya (1859) 3Disqualified
12 LINE0719 (1696) 5Disqualified

Recent gamesSee all

2020-03-07koshon ● - ○ Oshiruko78KifuGame
2020-03-06koshon ● - ○ kokolemonKifuGame
2020-03-03Oshiruko02 ● - ○ kokolemonKifuGame
2020-03-02kokolemon ○ - ● LINE0719KifuGame
2020-02-29tegoi ● - ○ kokolemonKifuGame


日本時間 2/16 9:00 ~ 3/16 8:30 まで開催
Blindfold mode/ Middle 15min+60sec Non-rated
(Reference Competition)
【Please be careful】
Before playing the game of this tournament,
Settings: Types of pieces ⇒ Blindfold mode/ Middle
[Rules and Commendation]
Please take a look at the lower part of
目隠し将棋 中級(Middle)戦 15分+60秒 NR
目隠し将棋 中級モード(Middle)による
この大会へのご質問・ご要望などはこちらまで ⇩
勝点上位3名様に 100/ 75/ 50 Dマイルを贈呈いたします。
【Blindfold mode/ Middle 15min+60sec Non-rated
(Reference Competition)】
Everyone can participate, but COM_players can not join.
"Blindfold mode/ Middle" 15min+60sec NR/ Round-robin
In short: Blind-Middle
Please enjoy "Blind game" until the end.
【Settings/ How to play the "Blind-game"】
Before playing the game of this tournament,
Settings: Types of pieces ⇒ Blindfold mode/ Middle
Please post your message from here,
when there are questions or requests
to this tournament. ⇩
The winner is the highest winning-points player.
If the tie is the same place.
Prizewinners: 1st 100/ 2nd 75/ 3rd 50 D-miles.
Thank you.

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