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Ukrainian Shogi Spring - 2020

Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: borisbaydenko (1674)
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: UTC
Tournament period: 2020-04-11 08:00 ~ 2020-04-19 22:00 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Non-rated (30 min + 60 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 borisbaydenko (1674) 13
2 Riasnianska_V (1136) 13
3 ElGranCapitan (1349) 25
4 sshypkin (1398) 18
5 kei2010 (1415) 20
6 dstn3422 (1858) 35
7 zakkerman (1936) 27
8 toshio62 (1868) 31
9 e2e4 (1373) 3
10 zolotivorota (1970) 32
11 Emeral_MV (1529) 21
12 BaseQ (1787) 4
13 Aleksy (955) 19
14 klemishi (1857) 27

Recent gamesSee all

2020-04-19zakkerman ○ - ● ElGranCapitanKifuGame
2020-04-19dstn3422 ○ - ● zolotivorotaKifuGame
2020-04-18ElGranCapitan ○ - ● sshypkinKifuGame
2020-04-18Emeral_MV ● - ○ ElGranCapitanKifuGame
2020-04-18toshio62 ○ - ● ElGranCapitanKifuGame


1. Purpose of the tournament: Shogi popularization in Ukraine, determination of the strongest player of Ukraine among players under 18 years.
2. Venue and time of the tournament: April 11 - 19, 2020, game server
3. Tournament participants:
Everyone is welcome to participate in the tournament: both Ukrainian and foreign nationality players who have mastered the rules of the game, have filled in the online participant form ( and have game account at
4. Tournament regulations: circular system, in case of a large number of participants - 6 rounds, the Swiss system
5. Time control: 30 minutes each player + byo-yomi 1 minute per move.
6. Participants will be divided into 2 groups: those who are under 18 and all others.
7. Tour schedule: by appointment with your opponent - from Saturday, April 11 to Sunday, April 19
If it is not possible to reach an agreement on time and date, the judge appoints the time and date. Time zone is by Kyiv (UTC+2).
8. Rewarding:
8.1. Participants who have taken 1-3 places in each group are awarded with valuable prizes. (If abroad player (outside Ukraine) will receive prizegiving place, he/she can receive prize in case of paying for delivery)
8.2. The places in the tournament are determined by the number of points.
8.3. In the case of the same number of points, places are determined using the following indicators (in descending order of priority):
- Buchholz coefficient (SOS)
- Berger coefficient (SODOS);
- a personal meeting.
8.4. If all the indicators of Clause 8.3 are still the same , the participants who share the prize place will have an additional competition between them on terms determined by the Chief Referee.
9.Tournament fee: free entry.
10. Tournament Chief Referee - Boris Baydenko
phone (066) 341-01-57
P.S. Update from 11th April:
Two players - borisbaydenko and Riasnianska_V - are organisers and referees of tournament. To avoid their influence on tournament's result, they don't take part in tournament (but system doesn't allow to exclude these players from table).
Update from 20th April: tournament results and prizegiving on Ukrainian Shogi Federation Youtube channel:
(Unplayed games were judged according to players' tournament activities)

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at