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7° Kyosha (Tournoi individuel francophone)

Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: leisaarlainen (1320)
Co-organizer: kire (1524) ☗1☗5☗3
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: Central Europe
Tournament period: 2020-04-12 14:00 ~ 2020-04-12 18:00 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Rated (10 min + 30 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 Maru239 (1434) 10MP 2 (Mac-Mahon Point)
2 aki_no_yuugure (1650) 8MP 2
3 tibanou (1347) -10MP 2
4 leoparddesmer (1362) 8MP 2
5 DarumaGama (1699) 12MP 2
6 TristanT (1434) 1MP 2
7 SirPuddy (1582) 6MP 2
8 ShogiPatzer (1500) 8MP 2
9 Gokimines (1307) 8MP 1
10 spinoza1313 (1070) 8MP 1
11 Morius (2162) 10MP 1
12 neochapline (1213) 6MP 1
13 Kurogane (1161) 8MP 1
14 Neral (1375) 8MP 1
15 Baliverne (1109) -8MP 0
16 YukioHiota (1099) 1MP 0
17 DarkNekros (1078) 6MP 0
18 Ringabel (811) 5MP 0
19 PavlaD (875) 4MP 0
20 TITREN (1134) 10MP 0
21 Salamandrel (1138) 8MP 0
22 Tsuki282 (869) 7MP 0
23 kire (1524) 0Arbitrage

Recent gamesSee all

2020-04-12Salamandrel ● - ○ SirPuddyKifuGame
2020-04-12DarumaGama ○ - ● ShogiPatzerKifuGame
2020-04-12Neral ● - ○ tibanouKifuGame
2020-04-12aki_no_yuugure ○ - ● spinoza1313KifuGame
2020-04-12DarkNekros ● - ○ neochaplineKifuGame


Tournoi 4 rondes system macmahon
10mn + 30 sec

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