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Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: zhousai (1425)
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: Japan
Tournament period: 2017-01-22 01:00 ~ 2017-02-27 23:30 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Non-rated (15 min + 60 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
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1 Asphodelus5 (1649) -14
2 zhousai (1425) 32沙鳄将棋新人王杯名义优胜
3 nocolor (1590) -6
4 COM_momo (2050) -0退赛
5 shae_bookji (900) -7
6 mazikini (1422) -------8
7 yuririn (1590) -6
8 clausewits (1926) -6
9 intothwind (1315) -15沙鳄将棋新人王
10 VictorDing (1827) -10
11 ngmankit (1273) -0责令退赛
12 kdmhjm94 (1324) 12
13 lilycle (1100) 6
14 Biubiubiu (2100) 9
15 Walter (1500) 7
16 Gevarewind (1278) 6
17 Sizzy (782) 10
18 loujinming (1254) 8
19 zhanghz (1771) 11
20 zabau (975) 10
21 Crocodile (1150) 11
22 YYJ (1424) 6
23 yukawaryo (1455) 9
24 ViktorDing (1474) 13
25 com_4d (2185) 36沙鳄将棋新人王杯名义优胜

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2017-02-05com_4d ○ - ● loujinmingKifuGame
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2017-02-03zhanghz ● - ○ intothwindKifuGame
2017-02-02com_4d ○ - ● CrocodileKifuGame


  • 本大会は中国人のみの参加になります。(流暢な中国語で会話できる方も参加できます)
  • This competition is held for Chinese Shogi players (including China Mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan). Anyone who can use Chinese is also welcome to take part in the competition.This is a private competition in the Sha E Club.
  • 中文介绍:
  • 本比赛是沙鳄将棋俱乐部内部比赛。
  • 请各位认真对局,如有违反道场规定直接举报。
  • 15-60不计分对局。
  • 胜利者获得称号-沙鳄新人王。
  • 有段者不计成绩,但是不影响比赛。
  • 报名请使用中文,内容写QQ号和在QQ群的昵称,否则不予通过。
  • 希望各位积极享受对局的乐趣。

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at