All game records in the tournament
2020-04-30 18:28 | harumogu | ● - ○ | kokolemon | Kifu | Game |
2020-04-30 16:52 | kokolemon | △ - △ | tukky | Kifu | Game |
2020-04-27 21:46 | kazzy_o | ● - ○ | tukky | Kifu | Game |
2020-04-26 15:32 | yoyoto | ● - ○ | kokolemon | Kifu | Game |
2020-04-26 13:02 | kazzy_o | ○ - ● | kokolemon | Kifu | Game |
This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at