
All game records in the tournament

2020-05-06 14:02kei2010● - ○MamePikoKifuGame
2020-05-05 21:10thebluewhale○ - ●kei2010KifuGame
2020-05-04 13:21tetoris123△ - △thebluewhaleKifuGame
2020-05-03 14:12thebluewhale○ - ●mnmkitKifuGame
2020-05-03 12:04MamePiko○ - ●Azusa17KifuGame
2020-05-02 14:29kikochikuki● - ○Azusa17KifuGame
2020-04-29 17:10mnmkit○ - ●kikochikukiKifuGame
2020-04-28 11:29kikochikuki○ - ●thebluewhaleKifuGame
2020-04-27 10:32level00● - ○kikochikukiKifuGame
2020-04-26 13:25byuta● - ○tetoris123KifuGame

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at