81道場サークル | FIPS2:: Van Hulic and his friends
サークル名称: FIPS2:: Van Hulic and his friends
リーダ: lemontea1990 (1979) ☗6☗17☗5
メンバ: 31名 (平均R: 1483.87)
On playing shogi,there are many players in Japan.But there are also many countries in the world.Play shogi,and we interact each other. a club For Interaction on Playing Shogi(FIPS2) No need for crying, let out your feelings, wide through the space, where time just endlessly spins, twinkling tears of night, darkness turns to light, Sailing so free, Sailing in peace, lay your heart down onto the sea of the stars, lay your heart down onto the sea of the stars.
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