大会: 第1期 8段戦 B級1組(2段~5段)
先手: MaxxZahar (1766) Icon mail off
後手: tomycar (2330) ☗10☗9☗6Icon mail off
対局開始日時: 2017-08-03 17:21:48 +0900
ルール: 平手(R) 20分 + 60秒


1: tomycar (2330) ☗10☗9☗62017-08-11 16:37


このたび対局して頂いた ロシアのMaxxZaharさん、ありがとうございます。



第1期 8段戦 B級1組 第7局 R20-60 ▲1797 vs △2091
戦形▲筋違い角居飛車型 vs △62銀54歩型









2: tomycar (2330) ☗10☗9☗62017-08-14 14:11

Since I have finally come to be able to secure time, I tried to consider
 the notation of the hold after a long time.
In the web system because there is a limit of 50 posts list number of all kifu comments,
 we will be about 1-2 months in the future.
Thank you, Mr. Maxxzahar of the Russia who played our game.
We are looking forward to the opportunity to play again.

As a general rule, I try to post only the commentary of own lost game,
 but for the following reasons, main is an exception.
1)The result is my win, but it was a content that was supposed to become victory
 of real Max through overwhelmed from beginning to end.
2)I pointed out the winning move in post mortem, but was not able to understand it
 by a primitive English ability not transmitted.
3)Because it's a foreign person with little information, it's a wish to be useful even a little.
4)Wrong Diagonal Bishop is rare but very excellent, and the amount of common + being muscle is low,
 and the battle strategy is good, and the person of up to 81R1800 place studies,
 I think it's one of the strategies we gotta do.
However, since the amount of information such as books is scarce even more than a side walk,
 it is a drawback that there is no other thing to research & combat yourself.
I think that the point of main ▲ is many points which become reference very much.
It might be easier to taste the width and depth of shogi than to choose
 the Static Rook party or the Ranging Rook party after mastering this strategy.
I think that it is safe to avoid because it is one of the change balls to
 the person of beginner to about 81-1dan.

In this paper, I would like to compensate for the lack of an impression match.
It's a personal opinion in the assumption that it will be aiming at further kee power improvement to the last.
It may be different from a stronger person or from a different angle, but please forgive us.

○The whole of our game
1st 8-Dan tournaments B1class 7th game R20-60 ▲1797 vs.△2091
War type ▲Wrong Diagonal Bishop+ Static Rook vs △62gin+ 54fu
;The search for the old-81 kifu is currently not possible,
 but it is a nostalgic re-game of five or six years maybe.
Do you point now during the talks to decide on the game day?, and it became a free game in the form of.
Although it has had the impression that it had played 2-3 games before and at least one rout,
 well, I was embarrassed to start in a state of psychology I'm not sure what style was.
(⇒Sure was the Ranging Rook party of power Shogi like...)
The △mistake of the view of the big picture ▲ was criticized, the △resignation ended
 with three remaining move, and it became a big reversal from the aspect.
It was also felt that the real thrill of the fear and shock of shogi was shown.
(⇒I don't match shogi in my sensibility...)

There are two main themes in this paper;
1. What is the decisive muscle that you missed? + ▲ What's the losing move?
2. How do I win? + to reverse? Tips for

○ Meaning of the main line+ reference procedure【=】+△mental attitude in the game【⇒】
4;I was puzzled by the 26fu immediately before.
=△34fu, 32kin, 42gyoku, 62gin, etc is equal position.
⇒That? Was it a mistake to make the ▲impression that the Ranging Rook party?
6;It is not decided, and it is good either by the Bishop Exchange or the Side Pawn.
⇒The confusion deepens, and the breath is put in a small consideration.
13;▲express Wrong Diagonal Bishop.
⇒Surprisingly, the dense fog dilute rapidly, I got it!
 Maxx is the specialist of Wrong Diagonal Bishop! 
It should have been crushed by the Ranging Rook type almost certainly at that time!
14;It should have been revenge after the rout,but it does not remember
 a delicate △ procedure by the strategy being muscle and it gives up even pondering.
=the proper move is 52kin, next▲34kaku△33gin▲56kaku△54fu▲46fu or 66fu, is equal position.
⇒A mediocre △62gin would have been a disadvantage, but I need more than ten minutes
 to devise a countermeasure, so we dare to challenge the ▲ring!
16;With no-time following, do you want to get ▲gain of tempo 78kaku? and with a smug pose,
 as a result of backwards verification, the concept of aim at slow game is incorrect,
 and the dubious move is No.1.
If the last 62gin inheritance, △64fu, 74fu, 52kin, etc,
 I had to prepare for the attack as 22gin.
=the proper move is 33gin, next▲56kaku△54fu▲46fu~88hi or 66fu~38gin~27gin,
 is △strategical loss.  
⇒△loss of tempo is aware, I try which do you like the style attack? or defend?
(I have not noticed the damage expansion to △slight difference→ disadvantage)
17;Choose the Static Rook type in no time, ▲add a gain of one tempo to a get one fu,
 and very good move. 
⇒▲confidence? or not sound out the situation?...
20;It is usually better move to eliminate of climbing silver, but this time,
 △loss of tempo+▲help of attack, the dubious move is No.2.
(△I can't help being aware of the disadvantages)
=▲expected procedure is 38gin~27gin~26gin, and other countering is △55fu,52kin,etc,
 soon see how the opponent will react.
⇒mm?▲short deliberation is that are wary of the attacking formation on △22gin?
 no, I will defence!(I'm still not aware of the whole-board perception mistake)
22242628;It's a normal move in part, but in the whole board,
 help for the ▲attack lineup, all slack or dubious.
232527;It's build up ▲attack lineup in response to △defence formation,
 all good, especially 25 splendid.
29;After watching the △formation, 37gin or37kei type is decided, calm good.
⇒My spine felt cold, it expands to a very unpleasant presentiment.
30;It is dubious, but I know a considerable difference at present, at least
 I was looking for a way to avoid early fight of 37gin-type the △desperate resort No.1.
⇒It touches the calm point-of-the-skillful, and it is finally astonished to notice
 that ▲judgment is correct.
32;In the future in dubious move to erase △44gin, after the damage expansion
 to the disadvantage→ worse position, the △desperate resort No.2 for inviting the ▲37kei.
=△42kinup▲37gin△55fu▲16fu△54gin▲15fu, then maybe, △does not reach the ▲dubious moves
 of 5 or more in the simple calculation.
⇒33No time to look at ▲37gin, ready to △lose, the belly is hardened aiming
 at least the resignation in the game form which is not △negative lose.
34;△42kinup is tight, but 42ginright~43gin loss of tempo on purpose,
 △desperate resort No.3 to ▲attack induction in the false only defense.
⇒△expecting a future deployment, desperately looking for a strategy that can be turnover.
38;To deceive with an unknown move, higher strategy to give first,
 dare to start hostilities ▲15fu, △desperate resort No.4.
=If ▲37kei is able to store offensive power calmly by △74fu,42kinup,etc,
 the △winning streak will disappear.
⇒At last, it is a faint possibility, and the △intended move of turnover has been discovered,
 but △ am decided to resignation if look 39▲37kei.
42;△desperate resort No.5 to obtain gin surely. 
=Maybe △13fu better than, but △ am decided to resignation if look 43▲37kei.
44;In a mediocre △13fu, ▲1Line is a two-kyou and △losing,
 so △desperate resort No.6 of an unknown dazzle at first glance.
=If ▲19kyou is ready to flee from △31 to 42, still △lose.
⇒Only hope for a choice of tactically good attack 45▲35fu,
 will △lose even in a delicate attack ▲24fu.
46;Get kei or kyou sure, so △desperate resort No. 7 to show capture ▲hi by kaku & gin.  
=On the way, if force sacrifice push △86fu, the intended move disappears, so be patient.
47;The ▲desire to win safely with too much difference works, few weak move, and ▲39kyou is better.
=next△27gin▲34fu△42gin▲13fu△11fu▲48hi△25kaku▲45fu, maybe △lost.
⇒Big difference of about 5.5→ 3.5 move somewhat shrinks, and
 to feel the generation of a slight disturbance in the ▲flow and psychology.
49;For △desperate resort No.7 inheritance48, a ▲subtle, good or bad,
 and a solid ▲13fu maybe superior....
=If next △14fu▲14kyou△13kei, and passed turn to play▲, then wouid have crushed at ▲34fu?
50;Again the order of the dazed passing, △desperate resort No.8
 to invite the order of ▲34fu-71kaku after liquidation 3Line.
56;Known the dubious and losing move  move, △desperate resort No.8 inheritance
 to get hi.
=If △43kin is good shape, but tactically bad ▲27gin! refuse to exchange hi and kaku,
 and △not look for a clue.
⇒Whatever, let's carry out ▲71kaku, there is no winning strak other than getting the decoy △41kin.
60;Anger △desperate resort No.8 inheritance, the future is aimed at △45fu.
65;Meybe the best, with a sober choice that seems to have recovered from the confusion.
=If ▲63uma of △expectation, next △52gin▲72uma△45fu! falls into the intraoperative
 of entering gyoku, and will get tangled.
66;There is no defence, and the neck is put out because of the idea. 
75;After long deliberation, 1st bad move.
=Win with a mediocre ▲32kin. 【later write】
76;Only intended move is the △game move No.9.
⇒The difference at a dash shrinks to about 4.5→ 1.5move.
※After examination discontinuance.

《Continue posting Next》

3: tomycar (2330) ☗10☗9☗62017-08-17 02:50

《Continuation from the first half》

There are two main themes in this paper;
1.What is the decisive muscle that you missed?+ What's the losing ▲move?
2.How do we win? + to reverse? tips for

○ Summary of Theme 1.
・What is the decisive muscle that you missed?
;On 75 move, each other had not been able to be found only three-moveed brinkmate
 ▲32kin△12gyoku▲31uma! from the game to good bye.
The △point was not ▲31uma but ▲22gin in post mortem, and it was a result of re-examination
 for attention, and was still ▲wins.
▲ worried △78kyo is outrun by ▲68gyoku, so it is only △34kaku, after
 ▲21ginnarazu△11gyoku▲59kei, finally realized my desire △86kei, maybe not
 arrive in the order of ▲86fu△87kyo▲31uma. 

・What's the losing ▲move?
;7745fu is the epitome of a vicious circle, maybe ▲31uma is left instead. 
 can make △settling the shape, but ▲53hi is the absolutely brilliant move,
 and △87keinarazu▲68gyoku, last △99keinari▲35fu△25gyoku▲23hinari or last △22kinuchi▲88gin,
 it seems that there is no chances of △winning.

○ Summary of Theme 2.
;In the preceding paragraph, I gave a specific example of my style.
 Later, it may be a bit abstract, but I will consider the idea that assumes.

・At first
;First of all, unlike in the past, many of you are now able to give instruction
 from a computer teacher, and I envy you very much.
Through the whole game, position is better-advantage-superiority-won-winning-win,
 which is not tied to the inevitable.
In addition, regardless of the height of the ability, the barrage pattern of bad
 in the end by slack, dubious, wrong, I think a lot of people can sympathize.
What should I do to not fall into this pattern? and I am one who is troubled too.

I don't know much about it, but is it possible for a computer teacher to teach us
 the best move in a certain aspect? mate or not?
Therefore, I think that it is a problem not taught now unfortunately from the computer teacher
 who is not a person with feelings.

・How can we win from a favorable position?
・To reverse the adverse position?

At the moment, my correct answer is the Master Oyama's "Defeat of Shogi is the last mistake."
If you try to diagram this,
"Shogi is established by the thing that people start each other."
⇒"It is a human being, so we assume that there is always dubious moves each other in one game"
⇒"The barrage pattern is hard to stop, but I'll come up with the skill of my own style."
⇒"I make full use of the game to be reversed while minimizing the extent of my damage"
⇒「Let the other person run the last big mistake.」
I think you can draw a schematic diagram of.

The first thing that comes to mind is how can you minimize the damage?
 How do you make the final mistake against someone? I will think it is.
I'm sorry to say that the head aches, but I think that the end or the minimum
 is to be turned out as a result theory.
Then, what are the ways in which you can make the right decisions during the game? I think so.

It becomes a textbook answer that a lot of people say,
 "improve the partial thinking power ("yomi") of sequence of moves 
 and the whole-board perception("taikyokukan") ", I think so.
But I'm not sure it's too abstract= what is more specific? the question will continue.
I would like to give a concrete thing+ how to acquire it in common with a lot of people next.

1.Basic knowledge=the shape and "tesuji" of the key point, the three-moves reading
 ←study in books, classrooms, etc. 
2.Winning aspirations=relative speed meter for yourself and your opponent
 ←study "joseki" and try it in a game, and I feel frustrated losing a lot
3.Defeat avoidance Desire=an instinctive danger meter
 ←play a lot of serious games and discuss them until you are satisfied
4.Objective decision of the situation=indexing a certain position
 ←develop an evaluation method that can be satisfied from many books and computer teachers, etc.
5.Detect the target muscle of the opponent=analyzing the meaning of moves for each position
 ←get a lot of consent from post mortems, watchings, and teachings
6.Predicting the human nature of the opponent=reading more than five hands exactly
 ←squeeze out of a lot of total self-satisfaction

I feel that it is difficult to learn in order, but I think each person is good.
I'm sorry for the long introduction, but this is the premise.
Based on this premise, I would appreciate if you could take a look at the procedure again
 and grab one of the tips.

I was very sorry to become a long and baby English post at the end.
