大会: 将棋会館 | 第1期 | Bクラス
先手: Vladimar (1176) Icon mail on
後手: Magicool1 (1246) Icon mail off
対局開始日時: 2020-02-04 11:50:28 +0900
ルール: 平手(NR) 15分 + 60秒


1: kolo (1699) 2020-02-04 11:22

Move 3 seems weird, it seems that has been played only twice in the past http://shogimaze.free.fr/index.php?tesu=2&rank=8 (although this is an old database, so maybe something changed)
Move 11 just going for Mino should be ok, K48 seems like a good move (S38 might lead to some interesting fight - opening bishops line, exchanging bishop and B*28; therefore K48 seems more stable).
But in general, the shape of sente's castle is quite interesting, it doesn't look like an "official" castle, but I kinda like it ;)
Move 39 - it blocked your rook. I'm not an expert on such openings, but I believe that at this point you want to move your rook to the back rank, where it can be mobile.
Move 43 - pushing the edge pawn means that you either want to fight on this edge (which seems not like a good idea), or to prepare an escaping route for a king. In this exact position, it looks like an escaping route - so I feel that you should go to 28 with king before starting a fight. But in move 45 you are starting the fight so close to your king!
Move 66 - here is an exact situation, where sente would like to have his rook mobile on the back rank, so it could take the 2nd file pawn and push it's own pawn.
Move 67 don't start the fight in front of your king!
Move 74 I think it's ok for gote to not save his gold, just take a silver, and it seems that it will be also possible to take the knight. Exchanging attacking pieces for defending pieces in front of the opponent's king is fine, and after gold is taken, you can recapture by setting the rook in the king's file.
Move 78 gote has just wasted moves. It seems that pushing the 3rd file pawn might work, after rook takes, bishop takes the gold, king takes it back and there is a series of nasty pieces drop on 56 and 55. If I calculate it correctly, the outcome should be good for gote. (of course it would be even better, if gote's king would be safely hidden at 82 ;))
Move 85 maybe first drop a pawn at 75, Rx and then P*76? The outcome is a pawn sacrifice for the tempo.
Move 103 How about holding those threats which you currently possess, and play e.g. P*66, which kills silver? It's hard for sente to attack, as giving pieces to gote is very risky.

2: Magicool1 (1246) 2020-02-04 13:43

Thanks for the analysis. I agree, my 3rd move was weird lol. I wasn't paying attention and immediately realized after making the move that I had hung my pawn but fortunately he didn't take it, so I didn't start the game, down a piece. 
