大会: 第5期 新星戦(Super Nova) [1級以下限定] 15分+60秒 R
先手: toebbens (1390) ☗1☗7☗4
後手: fasakichi (1100) ☗10☗2☗5
対局開始日時: 2020-05-02 20:11:46 +0900
ルール: 平手(R) 15分 + 60秒
先手: toebbens (1390) ☗1☗7☗4
後手: fasakichi (1100) ☗10☗2☗5
対局開始日時: 2020-05-02 20:11:46 +0900
ルール: 平手(R) 15分 + 60秒
1: toebbens (1390) ☗1☗7☗42020-05-04 11:30
move 59: This does not work and turns out to be too passiv. P*55, P54x55, S*54 might have been better. move 107: As always, chasing the Kind is not good. Better would have been S*93. Mate can now be served from both G*82 and G*62. If white takes the Silver on 93 with Lance or Knight, three generals in hand are enough for a mate.