先手: einarhre (850) Icon mail off
後手: odo1234 (1462) Icon mail off
対局開始日時: 2020-05-12 19:45:28 +0900
ルール: 平手(R) 10分 + 30秒


1: adxxx (1701) 2020-05-15 11:32

Move 31
Instead of the ultra-passive rook drop at 59, drop the rook at 82.
If rook takes knight at 98 then bishop 33 check (!) and then you can capture the dragon at 89, and also promoting your rook!

Move 35
Instead of the ultra-passive rook drop at 68, sacrifice the bishop at 22 and then drop the rook at 82 for counter-play!

Move 45
Pawn drop at 45 is needed to block the attacking way of the dragon.

Move 55
Silver to 59, is probably a better move, the king is under attack and he needs 3 defenders!
