先手: einarhre (850) Icon mail off
後手: adxxx (1701) Icon mail off
対局開始日時: 2020-05-16 21:02:27 +0900
ルール: 四枚落ち 60分 + 60秒


1: adxxx (1701) 2020-05-17 04:13

Move 12
As far as you have time, and you are not under quick attack in the opening, you should aim for the "Bear-in-hole" castle, as it is the most solid.

Move 32
Taking the pawn here, seems fine to me. If pawn drop at 65, then silver at 77, bishop at 97 and rook at 88.

Move 34
Better defense here is bishop 97, activating the bishop. If silver takes pawn at 67, then silver takes pawn at 86, and you are fine.

Move 42
Better to play rook at 67, attacking the promoted silver.
I take the bishop, then you take the promoted silver AND you activate your rook.

After the rook retreat at 49 the game was without chance. In any, as with chess, be very cautious when you play pawns, because you leave space for counter-attacks. Try to support pawn pushes by rook, so that you leave no room for drops.

