大会: 第6期 新星戦(Super Nova) [1級(R1499)以下限定] 15分+60秒 R
先手: Toadofsky (1574) ☗8☗4☗5
後手: toebbens (1390) ☗1☗7☗4
対局開始日時: 2020-07-25 20:39:32 +0900
ルール: 平手(R) 15分 + 60秒
先手: Toadofsky (1574) ☗8☗4☗5
後手: toebbens (1390) ☗1☗7☗4
対局開始日時: 2020-07-25 20:39:32 +0900
ルール: 平手(R) 15分 + 60秒
1: toebbens (1390) ☗1☗7☗42020-07-25 16:17
I did run Gikou 2 over the kifu. Up to move 27 ☗Rx64 it considers the position to be even. But my next 28 ☖P*63 is not good. Instead N73 is better; it threatens to catch the rook with subsequent P*65 and after the rook retreats various lines of attack open up. Even so, after 45 ☗P*85 my position is not hopeless. But ☖B53 totally misses that black can take the silver with check. Instead ☖R64 is better. Afterwards an attack is possible with ☖P*65, Bx77+, Nx77, R54, G69-58, S*66. Note that the knight on 77 cannot move.