先手: Briannencio (935) Icon mail off
後手: mashiromai (1451) ☗4☗2☗7Icon mail on
対局開始日時: 2021-06-11 13:25:32 +0900
ルール: 平手(R) 15分 + 60秒


1: LilyLionmane (1818) ☗11☗8☗22021-06-11 04:56

move 7 sente should retake bishop by silver instead of gold
move 10 gote should advance the silver to 33 and not the gold to make a better shape
move 14 i dont understand the purpose of gote shifting the rook over here
move 15 i dont think sente should drop the bishop yet - it can be saved for later
move 21 redropping the pawn here should just lose the pawn since the rook can just take
move 22 gote should just take the free pawn
move 33 i think sente is starting a fight too early. the castle is not complete yet but since gotes castle is also weak maybe its ok
move 40 sente should just move the rook over to 38 then attack on the third file. gote making a horse on 84 isnt a huge problem.
move 53 this feels like a waste of a move.
move 59 this move isnt so great anymore. i would be very afraid of bishop drops on 79
move 63 this just loses matreial. maybe its ok but i think its too much.

overall i think sente made a bad shape in the early game and lost the game because of the weak position - remember when you have a good shape the tactics will come to you.

2: mashiromai (1451) ☗4☗2☗72021-06-12 07:53

when i rewatch this match idk why did i do that, my brain sometimes stops working and make dumb moves so ty for point out my mistakes <3
