先手: nifuu (1531) ☗0☗3☗3Icon mail off
後手: tama27 (1650) Icon mail off
対局開始日時: 2022-07-26 11:41:58 +0900
ルール: 平手(R) 15分 + 60秒


1: nifuu (1531) ☗0☗3☗32022-07-27 10:14

Interesting Game. First time to use snowroof. Chooses this opening after consulting recent professional games. 
78 I see something like P3h and maybe overreact a little bit. Not necessary to make this move at all
113 This is the most terrible blunder of the game. Should have just played R6h and try to attack opponents's weak 6th file. Since my attack is closer to the king than his, I have a decent chance to win the speed game. 
147 Here is the solver's suggestion: P4c---Gx4c---P4d---Gx4d---S6d. If seems that I lose material by trading a horse for a silver. However, notice that the rook indirectly aims at the king so it is kind of dangerous for my opponent to do that (Hard to think of in game...)
149 Should have played Rx6f, abandoning the rook for a lance and silver. If I do it The horse is mobile, controlling many squares and I have three generals to attack. My move leads to a guaranteed loss.

