
Ukrainian Shogi Dojo Weekend August Tournament


大会主催者: ElGranCapitan (1349) ☗4☗11☗3
共同主催者: sshypkin (1429) ☗3☗8☗9
大会形式:  総当たり
表示基準タイムゾーン: 世界標準時(UTC)
大会開催期間: 2020/08/28 10:00 ~ 2020/08/30 22:30 終了
対局ルール: 平手・練習対局 (0 分 + 60 秒)
対局室作成者の手番: ランダム
この大会ページへのリンク: https://system.81dojo.com/ja/tournaments/1328
対戦表埋め込みタグ: <iframe src="https://system.81dojo.com/ja/tournaments/1328/iframe">


1 BaseQ (1800) 491 - 200 D-miles
2 Rodriguez4 (1542) -492 - 100 D-miles + 50 bonus
3 hbayer (1745) 433 - 75 D-miles
4 Integra (1851) 35d
5 ElGranCapitan (1349) 33d
6 byuta (2313) 29d
7 tythius (1799) 29d
8 llanero55 (1666) 21d
9 koshon (2002) -15d
10 schwarzora (1800) 3loss by default
11 Kazu2527 (1800) 3loss by default
12 kryk0 (1380) 401 - 200 D-miles
13 sshypkin (1429) 372 - 100 D-miles + 50 bonus
14 Tepin (1601) 363 - 75 D-miles
15 peanatsu (1205) 33
16 pasta0404 (1586) 25
17 Daniro (1404) 25
18 gotchess (878) 24
19 drliyu (1413) 20
20 Matte (818) 17
21 Atya (1499) 3loss by default
22 calogero (1478) 3loss by default


2020/08/30tythius ○ - ● ElGranCapitan棋譜対局
2020/08/30sshypkin ● - ○ Integra棋譜対局
2020/08/30Integra ● - ○ BaseQ棋譜対局
2020/08/30hbayer ○ - ● Rodriguez4棋譜対局
2020/08/30gotchess ● - ○ hbayer棋譜対局


Audaces fortuna juvat!
It is open tournament. All are welcome (instead of COM and new players). Prize places are determined in two categories - kyu-dan players. While the league table is one for all.
200 D-miles for winners
100 D-miles for vice-champions
75 D-miles for 3rd place.
Players that could play with all opponents (played max quantity of games) will recieve 50 D-miles bonus.
If you are a new player - pls, just play 5 rated games and you can reach some rating points and level (kyu-dan). After that yours application will be approved. Thanks!
Players are sorted by rating before tournament.
At the end of event they will be resorted by points/places in 2 categories. If same - advantage will recieve player, that plays less games. If this parameter equal - by the personal meeting.
Hope you will join - thanks!
New information added 02/08 - due to the transience of the tournament, we decided to limit the number of participants - the maximum number of 30.
New information added 26/08 - we decided include friday 28/08 to the tournament period. So registration open just for 27.08.20 23:30 UTC
