
1st FESA Online Rapid Cup


大会主催者: kurohige (1395)
共同主催者: Thomas (1729) ☗6☗5☗7
大会形式:  総当たり
表示基準タイムゾーン: 中央ヨーロッパ時間
大会開催期間: 2020/12/20 11:00 ~ 2020/12/20 18:00 終了
対局ルール: 平手・練習対局 (10 分 + 30 秒)
対局室作成者の手番: ランダム
この大会ページへのリンク: https://system.81dojo.com/ja/tournaments/1762
対戦表埋め込みタグ: <iframe src="https://system.81dojo.com/ja/tournaments/1762/iframe">


1 zen1976 (2076) 16
2 DemonikOu (2086) 16
3 BaseQ (1787) 16
4 Tellmarch (2021) 16
5 dstn3422 (1858) 14
6 charibert (2035) 14
7 thesting (1650) 14
8 Thomas (1729) 14
9 M_D_K (1846) 14
10 Barselona15 (1985) 14
11 VasyaBatyaPro (2150) 12
12 conquerror99 (1810) -12
13 miloszroman (1545) 12
14 shuriken77 (1856) 12
15 StickyFingers (1744) -12
16 AlenMark (1831) 12
17 frenchbaguette (1820) 12
18 Zbynek (1808) -12
19 TableForTwo (2026) -12
20 asse (1806) 10
21 lalibee (1840) 10
22 stevenc (1729) -10
23 Juupke (1677) -10
24 Berlin_Richi (1688) 10
25 Radavit (1664) 10
26 asadis (1934) 8
27 Bathus (1082) -5
28 minitk23 (1598) -7
29 jacon (1470) 2
30 Francesco_Frank (1475) 1


2020/12/20Berlin_Richi ○ - ● Bathus棋譜対局
2020/12/20StickyFingers ○ - ● conquerror99棋譜対局
2020/12/20Juupke ● - ○ TableForTwo棋譜対局
2020/12/20minitk23 ● - ○ stevenc棋譜対局
2020/12/20Radavit ● - ○ Zbynek棋譜対局


1st FESA Online Rapid Cup
FESA would like to invite European shogi players to the 1st FESA Online Rapid Cup.
Each FESA member association has the right to select two representatives, except the two observing member associations from Ukraine can select one representative each.
Selection of the representatives can be done either by making a preliminary
tournament (preferably) or by recommendation.
Preliminary local tournaments should finished until December 6th, 2020.
[For other European players with a FESA rating from non-FESA countries there will be organized on 81dojo.com the Preliminary Tournament for 1st FESA Online Rapid Cup on 29th of Nov. – rate 10’+ 30”, knock out system, starts 10:00 UTC. The best four can join the main tournament].
Location: 81dojo (https://81dojo.com/)
Date: Sunday, December 20th, 2020
Round 1: 11:00 CET / 10:00 UTC
Round 2: 12:00
Round 3: 14:00
Round 4: 15:00
Round 5: 16:00
Round 6: 17:00
Thinking time:
10 min + 30 sec byoyomi
6 rounds Swiss system – starting list according to last official published FESA Elo list.
The organizers of the preliminary tournaments or FESA members’ representatives should send the application of country representatives with additional info (81dojo nickname, real name, email address and FESA rating) to: shogionline@onet.pl
Registrations without the real name information will not be accepted!
Additionally the representatives will have to register on the tournament system page at 81dojo (detailed page will be announced later)
Registration deadline:
December 6th 2020, CET 20:00
Pairings are done using the program Chessarbiter. Tournament website : http://chessarbiter.com/turnieje/2020/ti_3441/
If players are not available or are not starting their games latest 5 minutes after the official start time of each round, the game is forfeited. After two times not showing up the player will be expelled from tournament.
It is possible to omit playing in the round by sending a email to the arbiter or give the information in the 81dojo chat to the arbiter not later than the previous round has ended.
Awards for the first 3 players (prizes will be handed over at the next real opportunity).
1. Median Buchholz: Sum of opponent’s scores discarding the highest and the lowest opposition’s scores.
2. Buchholz: This is the sum of opponents’ scores.
3. Progressive: Calculated by adding points from a progress table eg. if your scores were: Win, Loss, Win, Win then your progressive scores are 1, 1, 2, 3 and your Progress tie-break value is 7.
Organizing team and arbiters:
Mariusz Stanaszek (kurohige)
Thomas Pfaffel (Thomas)
Andreas Neumaier (Celegast)
How to create a game for the tournament:
• During the tournament period, the participants should check before each round the pairings on tournament website
• During the tournament period, participants will be having a special option in the "Create new game" window in the Dojo app to create a "Tournament Room" for your tournament. Select this option and wait for the opponent.
• Only the participants of this tournament can challenge the player waiting in the corresponding Tournament Room.
• All games must be played in this special Tournament Room so as to be automatically counted in the match table.
• Immediately after the game the winner should send result to arbiter – by 81dojo chat or mail.
