
All American Shogi Tournament - Fall

American shogi tournament fall


大会主催者: syncr0 (1320) ☗5☗5☗7
対象サークル: American Shogi Club
大会形式:  勝ち抜きトーナメント
決勝戦: 3番勝負
表示基準タイムゾーン: 東部標準時
大会開催期間: 2021/11/19 00:00 ~ 2022/01/23 22:30 終了
対局ルール: 平手・練習対局 (20 分 + 60 秒)
対局室作成者の手番: ランダム
この大会ページへのリンク: https://system.81dojo.com/ja/tournaments/2836
対戦表埋め込みタグ: <iframe src="https://system.81dojo.com/ja/tournaments/2836/iframe">

決勝戦 3番勝負

iongrey (2224) 優勝
dan_56789 (1709)


  syncr0 (1320)
  pannic (1491)
  Ezra (1235)
  LilyLionmane (1818)
  Vieridin (1330)
  dan_56789 (1709)
  Jinro (1486)
  Zigsquiddly (991)
  iongrey (2224)
  Zaibach (944)
  Toadofsky (1574)


2022/01/23dan_56789 ● - ○ iongrey棋譜対局
2022/01/23dan_56789 ● - ○ iongrey棋譜対局
2022/01/16dan_56789 ○ - ● pannic棋譜対局
2022/01/12Jinro ● - ○ dan_56789棋譜対局
2022/01/05pannic ○ - ● LilyLionmane棋譜対局


Welcome to the second All American Shogi Tournament

Who is the American Shogi Champion for the Fall?
Tournament starts on November 19th and ends on December 20th at 1am EDT. Rated 20|60. Single elimination. Winner will have a 3 game title match against the previous All American Champion.
Depending on the number of players each round should be around 1 week. If a player has no contact with their opponent or the tournament organizer (syncr0) to ask for an extension they will be eliminated from the competition, as we cannot hold up the resulting rounds. Especially since we are working around the holiday season.
Requires entry into the American Shogi Club to enter. To enter the club your profile must have the United States as your country. Any suggestions for future events or tournaments are welcome in the club forum. We will also hold tournaments which do not have the club or country restrictions in the future.
