


大会主催者: pannic (1491) ☗7☗5☗5
共同主催者: itsNyroc (1679)
大会形式:  総当たり
表示基準タイムゾーン: 世界標準時(UTC)
大会開催期間: 2022/02/05 18:00 ~ 2023/12/03 23:00 終了
対局ルール: 平手・レーティング (10 分 + 30 秒)
対局室作成者の手番: ランダム
この大会ページへのリンク: https://system.81dojo.com/ja/tournaments/3069
対戦表埋め込みタグ: <iframe src="https://system.81dojo.com/ja/tournaments/3069/iframe">


1 Keirnan (872) 5
2 isogashiifuhyou (1055) 0
3 Beer_Bear (1215) 2
4 Sirius0Black0 (1564) 3
5 Scamax (1299) 6
6 HopefulHedgehog (1322) 5
7 Zhandro (999) 6
8 Lanzor (913) 1


2022/02/05HopefulHedgehog ○ - ● Beer_Bear棋譜対局
2022/02/05Keirnan ○ - ● Lanzor棋譜対局
2022/02/05HopefulHedgehog ● - ○ Scamax棋譜対局
2022/02/05Sirius0Black0 ○ - ● Keirnan棋譜対局
2022/02/05Beer_Bear ● - ○ Zhandro棋譜対局


Kyu Kombat: Season 1

On Saturday, February 5th, we will have the ultimate showdown between high Kyu players in the ongoing ShogiExplained series Kyu Kombat! The format is a battle royale where everyone fights everyone else, with the winner of the whole tournament being crowned the Kyu RyuuOu and given 1000 D-miles!
Games will be broadcasted live during stream from 1-4pm Pacific Time (-8UTC) on Feb 5th. Additional broadcast dates may be scheduled if we run out of time. The commentators will be top Shogi entertainment streamers itsNyroc and ShogiExplained.
Viewers will be given the opportunity to gamble Twitch channel points on every match. Many thousands of points will be won and lost, with the daring and shrewd betters accumulating vast fortunes. Never before has an event provided such levels of viewer participation.
Join now for a rare chance to achieve eternal glory in this inaugural edition of Kyu Kombat!

Watch It Live

February 5th, 12-4pm Pacific Time (-8UTC)
Exclusively on the ShogiExplained Network: https://www.twitch.tv/shogiexplained


  • Participation open exclusively to ShogiExplained followers (please provide your Twitch username with your application).
  • Players must be willing to have their games broadcasted live.
  • Players agree to play their games during the pre-determined Twitch streaming schedule.
  • All players must be ranked 15-Kyu to 5-Kyu.
