


大会主催者: kikochikuki (2394) ☗0☗0☗0
大会形式:  総当たり
表示基準タイムゾーン: 世界標準時(UTC)
大会開催期間: 2023/02/01 00:00 ~ 2023/03/15 00:00 終了
対局ルール: 平手・レーティング (5 分 + 30 秒)
対局室作成者の手番: ランダム
この大会ページへのリンク: https://system.81dojo.com/ja/tournaments/3858
対戦表埋め込みタグ: <iframe src="https://system.81dojo.com/ja/tournaments/3858/iframe">


1 koteng (2116) 50優勝:高段者部門
2 signpost (2136) 46準優勝:高段者部門
3 delta_ta (1848) 46優勝:有段者部門
4 shijimi0917 (1991) -45準優勝:有段者部門
5 honour (2206) 33優勝:級位者部門
6 gorouchikuki (1412) -27準優勝:級位者部門
7 mura3264 (1610) 29敢闘賞:有段者部門
8 kikochikuki (2394) 33高段者部門
9 nekobisha (2156) 31高段者部門
10 kousuke110 (2089) -26高段者部門
11 mikiayuka (2023) 25高段者部門
12 lipengyu3 (2329) -21高段者部門
13 kazu_fujihara (1922) -30有段者部門
14 keita0705 (1949) ----28有段者部門
15 keiasa (1839) -22有段者部門
16 sansuuseven (1820) 21有段者部門
17 katsu1968 (1472) -21有段者部門
18 dai_fujihara (1650) 20有段者部門
19 7eika (1601) -22級位者部門
20 tansansui (1219) 20級位者部門
21 81shogina (2170) 0対局数不足により失格
22 Ryosuke24 (1950) 0対局数不足により失格
23 YUICHI_1 (1592) 0対局数不足により失格
24 C86anorak (1448) 0対局数不足により失格
25 banana3ban (1450) 0対局数不足により失格
26 Quantum_optics (1537) 0対局数不足により失格


2023/03/13delta_ta △ - △ kikochikuki棋譜対局
2023/03/06shijimi0917 ○ - ● katsu1968棋譜対局
2023/03/04mikiayuka ● - ○ shijimi0917棋譜対局
2023/02/28lipengyu3 ○ - ● delta_ta棋譜対局
2023/02/28shijimi0917 ○ - ● keiasa棋譜対局




本大会は「鬼の醜草〜紫苑杯〜 (おにのしこぐさ〜しおんはい〜)」です。




2023年2月1日0:00〜2023年3月15日0:00の約1ヶ月半 (世界標準時(UTC)) です。





Competition Details

The final competition is 'Oni no Usogusa -Shion Hai'''.
This competition is ``If the total flat hand time expires in 5 minutes, the countdown will be 30 seconds per move''.
Please select "Shion Cup" from the special game room and play the game.
Please note that game results are not reflected in normal rating games.
'Please cooperate with the proposal with a schedule that is more than half a day apart'
Also, please note that the time is Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)'

About Bounty Granters

'The more prize money you have (the more people participate),' the more grantees there will be.
★Who has the highest points in the 3 divisions of 4th dan (higher rank), 1st dan (higher rank), and Kyu
★Those with a large number of games
★Those who have won higher grades, dan, etc.
★As soon as the total amount of prize money is determined, we will inform you about the details of the distribution.

Tournament Schedule

From 0:00 on February 1, 2023 to 0:00 on March 15, 2023, about one and a half months (Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)).
Registration deadline is February 22nd at 0:00 (UTC). Applications will not be accepted after the deadline, so please make sure to adhere to the deadline.

About who can participate

① People other than new players and COM_ players. (If you are a rookie shogi player, please apply for participation after playing 5 or more rated games and confirming your rating.)
②Those who have acquired a shogi certification of R2400 or higher.
If there is a person who feels that the organizer needs to confirm, we may request an investigation. Please note.

About refusal and disqualification

★If there is no response to 3 or more proposals made within 3 days or more, the person who made the proposal will be awarded a bye.
★If you are more than 15 minutes late from the date and time that has been decided and updated by mutual agreement, the party who is late will be forfeited. In addition, unilateral decision updates without the agreement of the other party, and promises other than the opposing cell (PM etc.) will be invalid. Please contact the organizer.
★If abusive language, vandalism, refusal to play without justifiable reason, etc. are confirmed, the organizer will take measures such as severe warnings and disqualification.
★If your account is suspended or closed, you will be disqualified. (Even if the account is restored, it will not be canceled.)
★If the same person participates with multiple accounts, they will be disqualified.
★Those who have played 0 games after one month from the start of the tournament will be disqualified. As much as possible, please cooperate with the ``all station digestion''.
★If you are disqualified, all games, including games that have already been played, will be treated as a bye. In addition, even if the game with the disqualified person has been completed and there is a loss, the game will be treated as a bye.


★Please play in a place with a good communication environment.
★If you have any questions, please contact the organizer.
'We look forward to seeing many of you'
