
第6期 リコー杯女流王座戦 海外選抜 (リーグ1)



大会主催者: JoryuOuzaAdmin (2000)
大会形式:  総当たり
表示基準タイムゾーン: 世界標準時(UTC)
大会開催期間: 2016/02/27 00:00 ~ 2016/03/14 00:00 終了
対局ルール: 平手・レーティング (20 分 + 30 秒)
対局室作成者の手番: ランダム
この大会ページへのリンク: https://system.81dojo.com/ja/tournaments/4
対戦表埋め込みタグ: <iframe src="https://system.81dojo.com/ja/tournaments/4/iframe">


1 Lv_N (1499) 19
2 Pletsianiova_A (1302) 23決勝戦進出
3 Savchenko_P (1545) 21
4 Hoshino_M (1342) 15
5 Kamada_J (1250) 21
6 Briffaud_A (1409) 13
7 Fernandez_A (1054) 21
8 Lapteva_A (807) 13
9 Morska_S (1036) 15
10 Kim_N (784) 15


2016/03/13Hoshino_M ○ - ● Kim_N棋譜対局
2016/03/13Lapteva_A ○ - ● Kamada_J棋譜対局
2016/03/13Kim_N ● - ○ Savchenko_P棋譜対局
2016/03/13Hoshino_M ● - ○ Lapteva_A棋譜対局
2016/03/13Pletsianiova_A ○ - ● Hoshino_M棋譜対局


Additional description

For basic regulations, please see the separate document provided at the time of the registration. Further points of the regulations are described below.
How to use the match table
  • Clicking each user name in the match table will open the individual detail status in this tournament, including the list of her game schedule specified by the organizer. Please check your game schedule before the tournament starts.
  • Clicking each cell will open the detail page for each game. You can send message to the opponent to arrange a new appointment, if the schedule specified by the organizer is not convenient for you. The message will be sent to the opponent via e-mail.
  • You can also set a new game time in the page. However, you must always agree with the opponent on message basis, before setting a new game time.
  • In this tournament, time information should always be in the UTC time zone.
  • If the opponent is late for your game due to her previous game, you are not allowed to declare win-by-default. Please wait for her previous game to finish, as well as kindly giving her time to take a short break to relax.
  • Symbols
    • ○: Win (3 points)
    • ●: Loss (1 point)
    • △: Draw (2 points)
    • □: Win-by-default (3 points, input by the organizer)
    • ■: Loss-by-default (0 point, input by the organizer)
    • /: Not played yet (Schedule is already fixed)
How to create a special game room for the tournament
  • During the tournament period, participants will be having a special option in the "Create new game" window in the Dojo app to create a "Tournament Room" for this tournament. Select this option and wait for the opponent.
  • Only the participants of the league can challenge the player waiting in the Tournament Room.
  • All games must be played in this special Tournament Room so as to be automatically counted in the match table.
  • The app allows the same players to play a second game in the tournament. However, only the result of the first game is taken. It is recommended that you check your game history carefully before starting a game with someone in the league, so as not to play any second game by mistake.
