
世界将棋リーグ 2024, A 級

Wsl banner


大会主催者: Thomas (1729) ☗6☗5☗7
共同主催者: Celegast (1702)
大会形式:  総当たり
表示基準タイムゾーン: 世界標準時(UTC)
大会開催期間: 2024/02/01 00:00 ~ 2025/01/11 00:00 終了
対局ルール: 平手・レーティング (30 分 + 60 秒)
対局室作成者の手番: ランダム
この大会ページへのリンク: https://system.81dojo.com/ja/tournaments/4476
対戦表埋め込みタグ: <iframe src="https://system.81dojo.com/ja/tournaments/4476/iframe">


1 Spinaltap (2208) 7
2 Nicolous123 (2097) 28
3 socrates (1834) 8
4 komodo (1849) 13
5 LilyLionmane (1818) 13
6 Morius (2162) 15
7 KENAYU1 (2006) 17
8 OlivierP (2037) 20
9 Pouace_l_isotaupe (1720) 17
10 dais79 (1867) 16
11 leoakatsuki (1845) 20
12 Harumasa (1359) 11
13 LeonzhitoOtaku (1100) 0
14 koshiro (2324) 28
15 YKT (2109) 24
16 rtakashima (2009) 24
17 Umbreon197 (2512) 21
18 kohkis (2108) 16
19 bukittimah2013 (1873) 18
20 motomoto (1711) 12
21 anfanger (1149) 5
22 HybridFuran (2127) 14
23 Melkor256 (2117) 12
24 PaulGeorge_13 (1888) 10
25 funa15 (1935) 10
26 Kleingerau (1730) 12
27 Berlin_Richi (1688) 11
28 fugasuki (1800) 17
29 trithom (1470) 15
30 xinnian00 (1970) 8
31 CC389141 (1782) 5
32 zspljh (1872) 6
33 mikumilk (1819) 1
34 yyut (1760) 16
35 2033391318 (1561) 1
36 Starwish (1676) 0
37 Zixian3553 (1349) 13
38 cliffvine (2169) 6
39 lighttodie (2128) 6
40 chocowei (2277) 16
41 SPH996 (2268) 11
42 Xpotato (1846) 3
43 __lin__ (1346) 8
44 greencat (2044) 16
45 ichima (1726) 10
46 bluecolts (1705) 16
47 puremind (1467) 6
48 kakugin (1572) 12
49 M_D_K (1846) 16
50 Celegast (1702) 16
51 Thomas (1729) 23
52 Jonathan3 (1649) 3


2024/12/29__lin__ ○ - ● Harumasa棋譜対局
2024/12/28socrates ● - ○ Thomas棋譜対局
2024/12/28anfanger ○ - ● trithom棋譜対局
2024/12/22yyut ● - ○ YKT棋譜対局
2024/12/21Nicolous123 ○ - ● Celegast棋譜対局


Only WSL team members can register in this match table. The players will be added to the table via the WSL-website.
This tournament page is created only for administrative reasons.
For tournament details and official results, please go to World Shogi League official website.
