
リコー杯第14期女流王座戦 海外招待選手選抜大会


大会主催者: JoryuOuzaAdmin (2000)
大会形式:  総当たり
表示基準タイムゾーン: 世界標準時(UTC)
大会開催期間: 2024/02/17 10:00 ~ 2024/02/17 11:00 終了
対局ルール: 平手・レーティング (20 分 + 30 秒)
対局室作成者の手番: ランダム
この大会ページへのリンク: https://system.81dojo.com/ja/tournaments/4489
対戦表埋め込みタグ: <iframe src="https://system.81dojo.com/ja/tournaments/4489/iframe">


1 Turmunkh_M (1685) 6
2 Hoang_N (1450) 5
3 Vilhalva_R (1450) 6
4 Gao_Y (1450) 5
5 Lujie_S (1697) 6
6 He_z (1440) 2
7 Tzeng_P (1450) 7
8 Tahira_Y (1252) 0
9 Gao_X (1441) 7
10 Rebeca_S (1450) 7
11 Doan_A (1440) 5
12 Liu_H (1450) 2


2024/02/17Gao_X ○ - ● Hoang_N棋譜対局
2024/02/17Rebeca_S ○ - ● Gao_Y棋譜対局
2024/02/17Doan_A ● - ○ Tzeng_P棋譜対局
2024/02/17Turmunkh_M ○ - ● Gao_X棋譜対局
2024/02/17Hoang_N ○ - ● He_z棋譜対局


1. About the account to be used
Players will play games using the Ricoh Cup special account. (It has been sent separately via email.)
Please make sure that you can log in with that account before the tournament.
If you cannot log in, please contact us immediately.
2. Schedule for Day 1
This time 12 players will participate in the tournament and 6 players will advance to Day 2.
In Day 1, a player must win 2 games to advance to Day 2. A player will be disqualified after two losses.
Two of the three players who win two games in a row will be seeded for Day 2.
(The player with the earliest end time of the second game of Day 1 will be seeded.)
UTC 9:00 Zoom open  
 *Please connect at this time if you have any questions.
UTC 9:30 Explanation
 *Participants should connect to zoom (or wechat) by this time.
UTC 10:00 First round
UTC 11:00 Second round
UTC 12:00 Third round
As the tournament begins, a player on the upper range of league table (https://system.81dojo.com/tournaments/4489)creates a match room and waits for the opponent’s challenge.
How to create a special game room for the match of Ricoh Cup is shown on https://81dojo.com/documents/81Dojo_Manual, (“wait for game”). Read it before the games starts and play the game in the special room on Feb 17.
3.First round matching
Turmunkh_M (Turmunkh Munkhzul) - Hoang_N (HOÀNG Châu Ngọc Nhi)
Vilhalva_R (Vilhalva Raquel) - Gao_Y (高圆晴)
Lujie_S (Lujie Sun) - He_z (何卓思)
Tzeng_P (曾 平安)- Tahira_Y (TAHIRA YASMEEN)
Gao_X (高兴) - Rebeca_S (Rebeca Vilhalva e Silva)
Doan_A (ĐOÀN Thị Ánh Mai) -  Liu_H (刘泓雅)
