【公式】 第三期 永聖戦
大会主催者: DemonikOu (2086) ☗12☗8☗7
大会形式: 勝ち抜きトーナメント
決勝戦: 1番勝負
表示基準タイムゾーン: 世界標準時(UTC)
大会開催期間: 2017/01/05 00:00 ~ 2017/03/31 00:00 終了
対局ルール: 平手・練習対局 (60 分 + 30 秒)
対局室作成者の手番: ランダム
この大会ページへのリンク: https://system.81dojo.com/ja/tournaments/70
対戦表埋め込みタグ: <iframe src="https://system.81dojo.com/ja/tournaments/70/iframe">
大会主催者: DemonikOu (2086) ☗12☗8☗7
大会形式: 勝ち抜きトーナメント
決勝戦: 1番勝負
表示基準タイムゾーン: 世界標準時(UTC)
大会開催期間: 2017/01/05 00:00 ~ 2017/03/31 00:00 終了
対局ルール: 平手・練習対局 (60 分 + 30 秒)
対局室作成者の手番: ランダム
この大会ページへのリンク: https://system.81dojo.com/ja/tournaments/70
対戦表埋め込みタグ: <iframe src="https://system.81dojo.com/ja/tournaments/70/iframe">
neokdr (2393)
chikuwa (1654)
ichika (2051)
kousei (1843)
zhousai (1425)
Kupo (2030)
tatubento (1626)
DemonikOu (2086)
mdarg (1427)
serena (1548)
asobi1 (1624)
masahitoarabaki (1898)
Jaturawit (1537)
Lucy_yuri (1794)
daimeng (1555)
wataru7dan (2124)
dstn3422 (1858)
BarbapappA (1528)
casiopea (2056)
ti0723 (1211)
MaxxZahar (1766)
cyanide91 (1415)
hakoneekiden (2084)
kolo (1699)
baduljen (1500)
nabla8 (1958)
KEAKA (1527)
kambuy (1809)
leadbelly (1425)
2017/03/19 | neokdr ○ - ● MaxxZahar | 棋譜 | 対局 |
2017/03/11 | DemonikOu ● - ○ neokdr | 棋譜 | 対局 |
2017/02/23 | masahitoarabaki ● - ○ DemonikOu | 棋譜 | 対局 |
2017/02/19 | neokdr ○ - ● kousei | 棋譜 | 対局 |
2017/02/12 | tatubento ○ - ● Jaturawit | 棋譜 | 対局 |
Aeon Saint is an official 81dojo tournament.
It was previously part of "81-Square Universe Championships" http://81dojo.com/league/
I am the designer and manager of the tournament.
It was previously part of "81-Square Universe Championships" http://81dojo.com/league/
I am the designer and manager of the tournament.
Long games are essential for developing a deeper Shogi sense
With this tournament I hope to get many players interested in longer time rules, since they are rarely used besides by professionals.
- 本棋戦はノックアウトシステム(勝ち残り方式)です。
- 決勝戦は3番勝負
- 3位決定戦は1番勝負です。
- Knock-out system
- Final will be best-of-3 match
- There will be single game for 3rd place (CANCELED)
Thanks everyone for participating!!!
Neokdr is the winner, thus the 3rd Aeon Saint (永聖)
You can see the analytic results in the link below:
Neokdr is the winner, thus the 3rd Aeon Saint (永聖)
You can see the analytic results in the link below:
Winner will be rewarded with the "永聖" label added in his account.
Aeon means a very long period of time (in astronomy it is defined as a billion years) or often it is translated as eternity. This name reflects the theme of the tournament as the games will be long timed and calm.
Aeon means a very long period of time (in astronomy it is defined as a billion years) or often it is translated as eternity. This name reflects the theme of the tournament as the games will be long timed and calm.