kazuhuku09's Player Information
- 十二神将 (12 Generals) Current (22nd term)
- 四大天 (四大天) Current (二.三代四大天)
Games to load:
Playing style:
Joining Clubs
- Open Official13th AeonSaint
- Open Official22nd term 81Ou League-A 15min+60sec Rated/ Capacity 15 participants (75 days)
- Playing 2024年将棋忘年会 【持ち時間変動制】【総額3000マイル】 途中参加受付中!!!
- 2 Playing Official13th CosmOu Finals 15min+60sec Rated/ Double elimination
- Playing 第一回激闘戦 人数により賞金変動! 最大総額1000dマイル
- Open Restorer Tourney
- Playing 第8回 テトリス杯 10分切れ負け
- Playing 第一回地区選抜将棋大会 四国地区大会 【賞与総額5500Ⅾマイル】NR10‐30
- Playing Dragon king tournament
- Ended 第一回地区選抜将棋大会 中国地区大会 【賞与総額5500Ⅾマイル】NR10‐30
- Ended Official第12期 永聖戦(AeonSaint) [長考棋戦] 30分+60秒 R 勝ち抜きトーナメント
- Playing 【500Dマイル争奪】第一期 進昇戦決勝
- Playing First Eternal Battle
- Playing 第1回しょーゆー杯
- Playing 第一期棋永戦
- 2 Playing Second Houou match
- 2 Playing 【Total bonus 1000D miles】The 1st Ryutou game [R10-30 2 defeat disqualified tournament]
- Playing toutatu
- Ended 第二回怪傑戦 順位戦【クラス別ハンデ戦】R5-30賞与総額3200Ⅾマイル 途中参加絶賛受付中!
- 2 Ended 第一回怪傑戦決勝トーナメント
- Ended Official21st term 81Ou League-B 15min+60sec Rated/ Capacity 40 participants (75 days)
- Ended Official13th term CosmOu Qualifying League-B [2099 and down] 15min+60sec Rated
- Playing Official第18期 希桜戦 ~総額5,000Dマイル~ 【クラス別ハンデ戦・持時間変動制】
- 2 Ended 13th Falcon Cup -60 seconds Shogi Championship- 0min+60sec Non-rated/ Double elimination
- Ended 第一回怪傑戦 順位戦
- Ended The 1 phase Advance Qualifying league ~~shinshosen【Total bonus 1250D miles】 ~Class-specific handicap battle~
- Ended 7th Tensho tournament
- Ended Official11th term AeonSaint 30min+60sec Rated/ Single elimination
- 2 Ended Phoenix battle
- Ended 6th Tensho tournament
- Ended 第7回 テトリス杯 10分切れ負け
- Ended Official20th term 81Ou League-C 15min+60sec Rated/ No capacity limit (75 days)